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キャラクターデザインは倉花千夏氏! アニメ制作はA-1 Pictures!豪華声優陣も多数出演!! 【ゲーム概要】 操作は簡単、タップで攻撃するレースバトル! 最大3人のスレイヤーでチームを組んで魔物を倒そう。 スレイヤーとの親密度を高める「スキンシップモード」や、 恋愛要素のあるストーリーなど女性

74.27 MB

■■■■■ 게임소개 ■■■■■ 혼돈의 시대! 여기 휠윈드 하나로 세상을 구하려는 영웅이 등장한다. 핵앤슬래시의 계보를 잇는 휠윈드의 전설! ● 무한 휠윈드를 이용한 통쾌한 전투! 몰려오는 적들을 단숨에 제압하는 핵앤슬래시 액션을 만나 보세요. ● 다양한 아이템 조합으로

108.09 MB

Только для пользователей Вконтакте! Установи приложение, пройди путь от новичка до закаленного Босса Мафии, стань победителем во всех боях и докажи, ч

4.63 MB

❖Discover the whole new hospital drama stories. ❖Like your favorite TV shows, worthy of a Hollywood movie, new episodes (chapters) are released every

88.78 MB

GooglePlay Indie Game Festival 2018: Top 20 Award-winner! RQ2 is a single-player tactical JRPG with a battle system based on Reversi. Those good ole d

73.58 MB
FF Portal 2.1.2

This is a general portal app for information on FINAL FANTASY and related products.◆ Get the latest info on all things FINAL FANTASY!View the latest i

11.99 MB

Catch Toys is as hard as the real claw machine is, there are not random events or impossible toys to grab, is all about skill. This is my first game o

23.87 MB

The modern Army Missile War simulator is a new war game era with war simulators that combines the modern system of rockets and realistic scenarios of

28.76 MB

Arcane Online is a new heroic fantasy, free MMORPG game perfected for mobile devices. Immerse yourself in a magical world filled with thousand of play

74.07 MB

Google play遊戲應用搜索榜第一位! 完美支持安卓2.2及更高版本 全球領先手機網遊開發商艾格拉斯(EGLS)歷時數年研發出品的巔峰之作! 自研高效3D引擎,華麗技能光效,優良遊戲體驗,掀起一股另類“暗黑”風! 刺激,新鮮!暗黑魔幻大作上古戰魂席捲全球! 多人對戰氣勢磅礴,超炫技能一擊必中;

31.61 MB

Господин президент? Это вы? Все начинается с того, что вы находите телефон главы Намбии. Приняв вас за настоящего президента, советник по национальной

22.4 MB
Cooking Chef 11.5.3995

Welcome to your cooking world! Crazy Cooking Chef featured with time-management and food-cooking RPG gameplay. Cook food of different flavors with pr

52.09 MB

Are you ready to take off? Thinking about starting a business? What about becoming an airport tycoon? Build your own airport, buy new planes, and rese

46.1 MB
Snooker 5.4

Snooker is one of the most realistic and playable Billiards and ball pool games available on mobile devices. Playing a snooker game on a mobile device

15.66 MB

Tokyo Ghoul: Dark War is an anime ARPG mobile game offcially authorized by Studio Pierrot and launched by GameSamba. In this game, experience the orig

50.33 MB

Real Car Driver Simulator 2019 is a unique and challenging driving game. Car driving and parking in stunning city environment gives you a fantastic ex

65.47 MB

Q萌武侠3D手遊《桃花仙源》浪漫登場,江湖兒女情,怎能少得您。電影式的遊戲畫面、指尖上的巔峰對決、呆萌寵物絢麗坐騎、好評如潮的評測機構的推薦,只為讓每位少俠體驗一番獨一無二的江湖夢。遊戲中還有各種探險尋寶、隨機偶遇玩法、情緣夫妻等新穎玩法欲罷不能。江湖路漫漫,願這一生與TA結發共長生。 【江湖俠夢

95.2 MB

Liên Quân Giang Hồ là trò chơi nhập vai kiếm hiệp quen thuộc. Lấy bối cảnh thời phong kiến kiếm hiệp đem lại cho người chơi cảm giác quen thuộc qua từ

26.81 MB

Run street car mechanic workshop and provide american bus repair services like a real automobile technician. Play Bus Mechanic Auto Repair Shop 3D sim

53.17 MB

Hey! Are you searching for real impossible tracks car stunt racing game. Be careful because your car crash many times in extreme car crash driving cha

46.69 MB