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Kaloo is a very friendly little gecko who loves to do stunts. He jumps so high on his trampoline, that maybe one day, he will touch the stars ... To g

15.71 MB

8 Ball Bubble is a fun puzzle game featuring some cool original graphics, colorful pool balls and hundreds of awesome levels filled with adventure and

17.21 MB

Хуш омадед! Ин барнома яке аз аввалин бозии шавқовари тоҷикӣ дар маркет мбошад. Тарзи бозӣ кардан дар барнома хелоҳам осон мебошад. Ба шумо 4 акс яъне

32.17 MB

- Facebook: - Build up your heroes to be the strongest and lead them to victory! Train the best defenders to fend of

93.12 MB

1 LINE - One Touch Draw - training puzzle in which you draw 1 line, that will sharpen your wits. You merely have to draw one line with deceptively sim

16.57 MB

Crime Case C.B.I Files is hidden object game.mission will crime city.are you ready your detective skills.crime case is a puzzle solving game.Exercise

32.46 MB

《龍之魔法師》是根據熱門動妖尾改編而來的熱血戰鬥動作卡牌遊戲,熱愛手機遊戲和朋友們不容錯過! 在遊戲中需要招募魔導士,完成任務,養成最強魔導士小隊!近300位魔導士,超過100種道具裝備,讓玩家充滿了樂趣和驚喜。2015年最熱血的動漫手遊震撼出擊,Fairy tail的納茲和露西在妖尾(fairy

46.71 MB

史上最毀三觀無厘頭漫畫風手遊《養只精靈》來了! 官方嚴正聲明:笑破肚皮不負責喔! 一切都是因為在那個草長鶯飛的季節,魔王在與太白劉邦這對天界基佬鬥地主時結下了死仇,只剩一縷元神,魔王為了報復這對天界基佬,控制人間武將攻打天界,從此人神魔三界大亂,一場事關各界王者榮耀的亂鬥就此開啟……小編已腦洞不夠用

21.78 MB

《新三國志手機版》係《三國志11》港澳台地區唯一由日本KOEI TECMO授權開發嘅手機遊戲。原《三國志》系列作為SLG類型遊戲嘅經典代表作,《新三國志手機版》亦不忙初衷,將「策略」作為核心定位及重點開發。 遊戲入面,玩家可以喺超過100萬格激大地圖上同過萬名玩家即時對戰,招募將領、發展城池、打造雄

25.14 MB

『銀魂』の公式スマートフォンアプリが登場! アニメのストーリーを忠実に再現!更に、キャラクターはボイス付き!銀時、神楽、新八の3人はもちろん、真選組、攘夷志士などを育成し、ズッ魂バッ魂かぶき町を大暴れしよう! ◆アニメのストーリーを追体験◆ 笑あり涙ありのストーリーがよみがえる! クエストを進めてい

72.18 MB

Hannah is a 10-year-old girl who seems shy and a little bit nerdy. Deep down, she is not shy at all. She has two crazy dreams in her mind——to become a

56.46 MB

Suntop wants to produce juice and ship it to the children of the world - and he has found the perfect island to do this. But then Suntop receives a di

33.64 MB

The first air and naval integrated simulator with Official Italian NAVY License. Take the controls of airplanes, helicopters and ships of the NAVY in

29.1 MB

Bring the Mayhem. Fight for Might! King Dragon's flames burned away the old realm, and his monsters rule the ashes. But an ember of hope still flicker

27.45 MB

[Combat Soldier] is a strategic FPS game that pursues high quality graphics optimized for quick and light action. There are 30 main and sub weapons, a

39.89 MB
FTPS 2.3

By separating shooting and moving, FPS is implemented with only one mobile pad in mobile environment!

25.99 MB

Krosmaga is an online trading card game in which you play a god and face other players in short, fun-filled games that'll surprise you at every turn!

32.56 MB

◆ 게임 특징 ○ 자동 진행 RPG의 시작 ○ 캐릭터의 화려한 자동 전투 ◆ 권한 안내 원활한 게임 서비스 및 고객 응대를 위해 아래의 권한을 요청하고 있습니다. [ GET_ACCOUNTS ] 기기에서 계정검색 게임과 구글 계정정보 연동, 알림을 위해 해당 권한을 필요

91.21 MB

Space battles not for the faint-hearted. Join hardcore fights having just one very complex unit with a bunch of subsystems controlled by you. Run a ri

23.84 MB

Mécanisme des jeux : Cumule un minimum de 1000 pts dans les 4 premières missions pour débloquer la 5ème et participer au tirage au sort de la semaine

43.55 MB