Ecos Del Rosario 7.0 [free]


The Community Ecos del Rosario Emissary is committed to being a cultural, social, economic and spiritual guide for an anxious community in terms of the social fabric that allows
the development of all.
The Community Broadcaster is an option, a voice, for the poor, for the displaced, for the prisoners, for the abused and abandoned children, for the elderly, for the women.
A means of communication committed to the promotion and motivation of human values, based on a diagnosis of each of the aspects that affect the community, regional society,
reasons for underdevelopment.
The means of communication is, then, an ideal tool to fulfill the mission of educating and training, as Jesus Christ taught us the greatest communicator in the world with great
and good news, thus establishing the forging of values ​​that builds the social fabric , based on peaceful coexistence, tolerance, democratic pluralism, respect, equity,
The Community Ecos del Rosario Emissary works for the construction of a person, a community, a municipality, a country and a world more just and equitable, supportive,
respectful of their peers, cheerful, happy, committed to history, proud of their identity , who lives his faith and who protects nature.
Understanding that each act has a positive or negative consequence is learning to think. A thinking community can be free and find the path to development.
Our foundation is educational, recreational, cultural and informative. Learning to think, to live, to be and to be in harmony with everyone.
Reality is not what we see; the reality is the vision we have of it. Living behind science, technology, the arts, information, spiritual development has made us
The Ecos del Rosario Community Broadcaster is aware of the power of the word to educate, promote, liberate, encourage, arrange, respect .... The word to which every human being
has a right, will be the one that we permanently spread from our microphones.
This community service of sound broadcasting must also be socially and economically sustainable.
Convene the different levels of the community to participate in the tasks of the Issuer and thus democratize the contribution and work of the Ecos del Rosario Community
Broadcaster in favor of peaceful coexistence.
Generate and consolidate the culture of dialogue and tolerance to improve the family, work and neighborhood environment.
Strengthen the cultural, social and spiritual values ​​of the population that allows building a community where the principles of respect, tolerance, civility, stimulate human
Promote recreation and healthy recreation through musical expression.
Generate opportunities for participation and consultation with the institutions present in the municipality and the organized communities, so that they propose and sustain
programs that contribute to the improvement of the quality of life, sustainable development and the strengthening of respect and tolerance.
Promote the proper management of the environment in partnership with the entities in charge.
It will strengthen the principle of equity in terms of gender, children, the disabled, the elderly, displaced persons, allowing their expression in the community media.
It will promote the formation of citizens respectful of the duties and rights that Colombians have.
It will promote respect for human dignity.
It will strive for the training and ongoing formation of the human group of the Issuer and the Anolaima population and will contribute to its integral personal growth.

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  • Nombre del software: Ecos Del Rosario
  • Software Categoría: Música y audio
  • Código App: ecos.delrosario2
  • Versión lastest: 7.0
  • requisito: 4.4 o superior
  • Tamaño del archivo : 9.79 MB
  • tiempo de actualización: 2022-12-12