Upgrade your AT&T/Verizon/T-Mobile/Sprint voicemail to a breakthrough Social Voicemail app that includes our exclusive Call Queller - Call Blocking
Take back control of your phone – Call Block Telemarketers and stop them cold!
Compatible with AT&T, Verizon & Sprint. T-Mobile postpaid monthly plans also supported.Experience next-gen Social Voicemail service with super-cool features you’ll love like:• Call Queller - Call Blocking. Super-advanced caller blocking technology is included in every voicemail plan. Call Queller spam fighting algorithms block calls by
predicting common robocaller tricks to block calls. No more voicemail spam. Block calls & block voicemail even when the robocaller spoofs the Caller ID to make it look
like their telemarketing robocall is coming from your city! View calls blocked to tune your call blocking profile• Voicemail Transcription. Never call voicemail again. Use voicemail to text to read your voicemails. Reading a voicemail to text voicemail transcription is faster
than listening• FREE TRIAL. All voicemail plans offer a 30-Day FREE TRIAL and include unlimited calls blocked with our Call Queller Caller Blocker. Cancel anytime• Choose Basic or Premium. After your free trial, pay-as-you-go with our Basic plan - Unlimited Calls Blocked & no monthly fee. Pay only for the voice mail you
use! Premium offers unlimited voicemails, unlimited calls blocked and many extra features for a low monthly fee• No More Voicemail Spam. 2X More Effective than other caller blockers! Call Queller call blocked calls are sent to perpetual ringing instead of to voice mail like
other caller blockers. No more voicemail spam! Call Block them instead• Call Block Blacklist & Whitelist Control. Easy blacklist & whitelist controls to fine-tune the call blocking technology. Whitelist calls blocked in error.
Review blocked calls then blacklist or caller block them to block calls one at a time. Even blacklist / call block a range of numbers to call block. Caller block calls
without bloating your contact list like other caller blockers• Custom Voicemail Greetings. Record a custom voicemail greeting for some, another voicemail greeting for others. Record Temporary voicemail greetings or upload a
voicemail greeting file• Lifetime Voicemail. Keep your voicemails, caller blocking settings and caller block history when you change phones or carriers
YouVOXX Social Voicemail with Call Block is better than visual voicemail. It’s a new kind of voicemail service with Call Blocking blacklist / caller block to completely
block telemarketers (no more voicemail spam when you call voicemail). Once you access voicemail with our Social Voicemail app, old-fashioned visual voicemail just won’t
cut it!
• Caller Block ALLOWS calls from people in your contacts. Caller Blocking block calls can go straight-to-voice mail or send Call blocked calls to ringing. Unlike other
caller blocker apps, our call blocked calls don’t tell the call blocked robocaller that your number is live, so they won’t robocall again you just to be call blocked
• Check Voicemail on Facebook Messenger. Don’t call voicemail or use old-school visual voicemail - just check voice mail on Messenger
• Voicemail Transcription Included. Built-in voicemail to text transcribes your voicemail to text. Don’t call voicemail, read visual voicemail transcriptions! The best way
to access voicemail is to transcribe voicemail to text so you can read your voicemail transcription. Never call voicemail again
• Temporary Voicemail Greetings. These voicemail greetings expire and return to your previous voicemail greeting automatically. Set expirations for Temporary Voicemail
• YouVOXX Social Voicemail app replaces carrier visual voicemail service
• Unanswered calls forward voice mail to our Social Voicemail app. Caller Blocking call blocked calls just hear ringing. No more voicemail spam
Take back control of your phone – Call Block Telemarketers and stop them cold!
Compatible with AT&T, Verizon & Sprint. T-Mobile postpaid monthly plans also supported.Experience next-gen Social Voicemail service with super-cool features you’ll love like:• Call Queller - Call Blocking. Super-advanced caller blocking technology is included in every voicemail plan. Call Queller spam fighting algorithms block calls by
predicting common robocaller tricks to block calls. No more voicemail spam. Block calls & block voicemail even when the robocaller spoofs the Caller ID to make it look
like their telemarketing robocall is coming from your city! View calls blocked to tune your call blocking profile• Voicemail Transcription. Never call voicemail again. Use voicemail to text to read your voicemails. Reading a voicemail to text voicemail transcription is faster
than listening• FREE TRIAL. All voicemail plans offer a 30-Day FREE TRIAL and include unlimited calls blocked with our Call Queller Caller Blocker. Cancel anytime• Choose Basic or Premium. After your free trial, pay-as-you-go with our Basic plan - Unlimited Calls Blocked & no monthly fee. Pay only for the voice mail you
use! Premium offers unlimited voicemails, unlimited calls blocked and many extra features for a low monthly fee• No More Voicemail Spam. 2X More Effective than other caller blockers! Call Queller call blocked calls are sent to perpetual ringing instead of to voice mail like
other caller blockers. No more voicemail spam! Call Block them instead• Call Block Blacklist & Whitelist Control. Easy blacklist & whitelist controls to fine-tune the call blocking technology. Whitelist calls blocked in error.
Review blocked calls then blacklist or caller block them to block calls one at a time. Even blacklist / call block a range of numbers to call block. Caller block calls
without bloating your contact list like other caller blockers• Custom Voicemail Greetings. Record a custom voicemail greeting for some, another voicemail greeting for others. Record Temporary voicemail greetings or upload a
voicemail greeting file• Lifetime Voicemail. Keep your voicemails, caller blocking settings and caller block history when you change phones or carriers
YouVOXX Social Voicemail with Call Block is better than visual voicemail. It’s a new kind of voicemail service with Call Blocking blacklist / caller block to completely
block telemarketers (no more voicemail spam when you call voicemail). Once you access voicemail with our Social Voicemail app, old-fashioned visual voicemail just won’t
cut it!
• Caller Block ALLOWS calls from people in your contacts. Caller Blocking block calls can go straight-to-voice mail or send Call blocked calls to ringing. Unlike other
caller blocker apps, our call blocked calls don’t tell the call blocked robocaller that your number is live, so they won’t robocall again you just to be call blocked
• Check Voicemail on Facebook Messenger. Don’t call voicemail or use old-school visual voicemail - just check voice mail on Messenger
• Voicemail Transcription Included. Built-in voicemail to text transcribes your voicemail to text. Don’t call voicemail, read visual voicemail transcriptions! The best way
to access voicemail is to transcribe voicemail to text so you can read your voicemail transcription. Never call voicemail again
• Temporary Voicemail Greetings. These voicemail greetings expire and return to your previous voicemail greeting automatically. Set expirations for Temporary Voicemail
• YouVOXX Social Voicemail app replaces carrier visual voicemail service
• Unanswered calls forward voice mail to our Social Voicemail app. Caller Blocking call blocked calls just hear ringing. No more voicemail spam
Versiones anteriores
- 09/09/2019: YouVOXX Voicemail, Call Blocker 1.2.019
- 04/23/2018: YouVOXX Voicemail, Call Blocker 1.2.014
- Report a new version
- Nombre del software: YouVOXX Voicemail, Call Blocker
- Software Categoría: Comunicación
- Código App: com.youvoxx.youvoxxapp
- Versión lastest: 1.2.019
- requisito: 4.2 o superior
- Tamaño del archivo : 38.13 MB
- tiempo de actualización: 2019-09-09