Ternster 2.0 [free]


What Is Ternster?
Ternster. The new way to courier, and assist other travellers. Dealing with all modes of travel, domestic as well as global, Our service allows you to take delivering
packages into your own hands, and to be a companion to fellow travellers who need assistance, all while making money as you journey. The new way to Earn is to be a
Share your trip:
This facility enables travellers to share their upcoming trips and allows the traveller to quote service charges in accordance with their preference and their base
Find a Tern:
This facility allows non-travellers (Requesters) to search and find relevant trips so that the non-travellers can avail the services provided by the traveller to send
documents, any other items and also look for assistance during their journey.
Deposit Locker:
This facility acts as a temporary wallet for our requesters to pay money into for requesting the traveller to order any items online that our requesters will need it
delivered in their destination. Only after delivery completion through our OTP authentication the money will be accessible by the traveller.
Call Facility and Chat Corner:
This facility provides services to connect users through chat or call after successful trip connection. The connection will be active during the trip duration and the users
can choose to continue or close the connection post trip completion.
Secure Payment:
All payments done through the app uses a secure payment gateway named Stripe.

Versiones anteriores

Free Download Código bidimensional para descargar
  • Nombre del software: Ternster
  • Software Categoría: Herramientas
  • Código App: com.ternster
  • Versión lastest: 2.0
  • requisito: 4.4 o superior
  • Tamaño del archivo : 37.75 MB
  • tiempo de actualización: 2021-03-17