Звонки для 1С 1.2 [free]


Dial on your smartphone for the team of 1C
If you do not understand it, and what you can not read the instructions below, please do not install this app! Tested only on the 4th Android!
Client part can be downloaded here - http://sergeitvorogov.ru/1s-zvonki
Read carefully!
Principle of operation - transfer of 1s (or from anywhere via the socket) phone number - the smartphone is unlocked and start dialing, talking, we pass a command from 1c to hang
Besides the usual call, you can call through CSipSimple https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.csipsimple, it must be installed
On Android 5 does not work!
1. Install the application
2. Connect your phone to the wifi, it is desirable to prescribe to the wifi router permanent ip address
3. The application runs on port 6000
4. The data can be peredovat both from 1c passing through winsock simple text string with numbers and even ordinary telnet (for tests)
Command format:
+78001234567 - Set normal numbers
+ 78001234567sip - set using SIP CSipSimple client (must be installed and must be configured account)
hang - hang up
The application was tested in the field at various smartphones
For revision or implementation, please contact by email. mail!
If you have something could not establish or understand how it works, etc. do not rush to put a negative assessment, respect the work of others

Versiones anteriores

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  • Nombre del software: Звонки для 1С
  • Software Categoría: Productividad
  • Código App: com.onesdial
  • Versión lastest: 1.2
  • requisito: 4.0 o superior
  • Tamaño del archivo : 461.69 KB
  • tiempo de actualización: 2022-09-28