kakaopage - Webtoon Original 3.4.8 [free]


Webcomics has changed to kakaopage.
1. Original webtoon that you can only find at Kakaopage
Kakaopage, the gathering place for all love stories from all corners of the world. Kakaopage is a premium webtoon platform that can be a place to find and collect the stories
and images you want. Try to find a variety of stories on Kakaopage who update the original webtoon every day whose popularity has been proven in Korea!
2. Opportunity to read popular webtoon for free
We provide free tickets that can be used to read one more episode after reading one episode for free! Please enjoy the webtoon endlessly not only with free tickets that we
provide every day but also with prize tickets that you can get through various events.
3. Now you don't need to worry about using data quota!
Are you worried about using a lot of data quota when reading a webtoon? If so, you only need to first download the webtoon in a place that provides a wi-fi connection to be able
to read the webtoon without worrying about using data quota wherever and whenever! You can view episodes that have been downloaded for 10 days indefinitely.
4. End the wait for the latest work updates with notifications!
We will notify you immediately whenever there is a work update so that you do not miss it if you turn on 'Receive Notifications' on the pages of your favorite works and also the
works that will be released. Now you don't need to receive notifications for works you don't want ~ You just need to choose the notifications for the work you need!
5. Read the Webtoon, get Points ?!
The more you read the webtoon, the more points you can collect! Points can be exchanged with Cash for reading Webtoon. Read the webtoon> Points collected> exchange with
Cash> read the webtoon again! Don't miss out on the excitement of the webtoon with this endless repetition system ~

Versiones anteriores

Free Download Código bidimensional para descargar
  • Nombre del software: kakaopage - Webtoon Original
  • Software Categoría: Entretenimiento
  • Código App: com.neobazar.webcomics
  • Versión lastest: 3.4.8
  • requisito: 4.4 o superior
  • Tamaño del archivo : 5.83 MB
  • tiempo de actualización: 2023-04-16