매경e신문 3.2.4 [free]


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레이더M은 자본시장의 흐름을 요약한 뉴스, 각종 지표 및 투자정보를 담아낸 고품격 경제레이더 입니다.
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[필수 접근권한 안내]
사진/그림을 인트로에 설정하기 위해 필요
개발자 연락처 :
서울 중구 퇴계로 190 매경미디어센터

Maeil Business is leading the digitalization of newspapers with Maekyung e-Newspaper.
* You must be a paid member of Maekyung e-newspaper to use the full service.
* Service payment is available on the dedicated site (http://digital.mk.co.kr) via PC.
Maekyung eNewspaper is available on PC, smartphone and tablet with one account.
You can subscribe to the newspaper in paper form for the period you paid for.
Maekyung e-Newspaper can view the articles of a newspaper as it is printed.
Individual articles can be viewed and scraped on paper, making it easier to understand the importance and weight of the articles. You can also view articles in text format
that is easy to read.
MBN News provides a video clip by selecting important content from the news reported in MBN Comprehensive News.
Maekyung Premium will unveil premium news such as covering behind the cover and special reports that are not covered in the newspaper.
Radar M is a high quality economic radar containing news, indicators and investment information that summarizes the flow of the capital market.
Radar P is a premium political news.
The World Knowledge Forum is Asia's largest global business forum, aiming to promote balanced growth and prosperity in the global economy through knowledge sharing.
Maekyung Company Yearbook is Korea's largest encyclopedia of corporate information, providing financial statements and company information.
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Versiones anteriores

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  • Nombre del software: 매경e신문
  • Software Categoría: Noticias y revistas
  • Código App: com.mk.mk_epaper_mobile
  • Versión lastest: 3.2.4
  • requisito: 4.1 o superior
  • Tamaño del archivo : 14.15 MB
  • tiempo de actualización: 2020-10-28