Book a Taxi/Cab easy and quick from Taxi-Taxi.
Reliable and quick way to book for Taxi/Cab.
you can check the booking status and see your Taxi/Cab location.
The best and cheapest Taxi/Cab booking.
Reliable and quick way to book for Taxi/Cab.
you can check the booking status and see your Taxi/Cab location.
The best and cheapest Taxi/Cab booking.
Versiones anteriores
- 06/03/2023: Westbank Cab TaxiTaxi 2.0.1
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Código bidimensional para descargar
- Nombre del software: Westbank Cab TaxiTaxi
- Software Categoría: Viajes y guías
- Código App: com.mdc.taxitaxi
- Versión lastest: 2.0.1
- requisito: 5.0 o superior
- Tamaño del archivo : 22.75 MB
- tiempo de actualización: 2023-06-03