Mandarin Matchup: Learn Chinese 1.0 [free]


Mandarin is the widest used language with 1.2 Billion native speakers. Start your journey into this language in an easy and simple way. Mandarin Match up introduces
players to the fundamentals of Mandarin with fully voiced words and clear visuals. Each word is pronounced and written accurately. Mandarin Match up is useful as both an
educational tool and as a refresher. Whether it be for children or adults looking to learn another language or as a refresher before entering a country that uses mandarin.
Mandarin Match up is easy to pick up and play. With new words added regularly to the list, Mandarin match up will help you with your first steps to mastery of the
- Stimulate your mind through colorful and interactive game play
- Learn the fundamentals of Mandarin. Each word is fully voiced with clear visuals
- Learn Mandarin in an engaging and fun way
- Excellent for novices of any ages

Versiones anteriores

Free Download Código bidimensional para descargar
  • Nombre del software: Mandarin Matchup: Learn Chinese
  • Software Categoría: Puzles y juegos de pensar
  • Código App: com.mandarinmatchupfree.mygame
  • Versión lastest: 1.0
  • requisito: 2.3.3 o superior
  • Tamaño del archivo : 64.83 MB
  • tiempo de actualización: 2018-03-08