itzTutorPartner 1.10 [free]


ItzTutor is seeking Male and Female Tutor profiles for Delhi Gurgaon Noida Faridabad Ghaziabad
Our platform is available in Delhi and NCR region.
So, register your profile for free and be the Early Birds to avail inaugural offers.
itzTutor Partner Mobile App:
Build you K-12 academic tutoring career with itzTutor and promote yourself to a tutoring entrepreneur.
Get tuition and teaching job requests via itzTutor Partner.
Whether you are fulltime or non-fulltime academic tutor or school teacher, itzTutor Partner helps you to get tuition job quickly.
itzTutor is a comprehensive and free to register tuition app. It connects you with parents who are looking for tutors matching your profile. itzTutor lets you manage
tuition enrollments from start to end, without leaving app even once.
Its a unique free to register system, where you get very relevant tuition requests right on your smartphone.
Add all details to your profile like classes you teach, indicative fees, localities you teach in and distance you can travel, to ensure that you dont deal with irrelevant
requests and waste time and money.
itzTutor gives each selected tutor an equal opportunity to convert a tuition request into enrollment. You are in direct control of negotiating with parents regarding
tuition days or time or fees and even sending a professional offer to parents.
The map view lets you see how close/far is new request from your current enrollments.
At a flick of your finger, an integrated scheduler shows all your tuition classes. Mark your class as "Done" or reschedule/cancel the class instantly from scheduler.
Check student's progress and assignment results as soon as students complete it.
An easy to understand My account section conveys payment due/received from parents/students and deposited to your account.
What's more, No more shying for asking tuition fees. itzTutor App sends automatic reminders to parents for fees before its due. No more irregularities in tuition fees
payout date.

Versiones anteriores

Free Download Código bidimensional para descargar
  • Nombre del software: itzTutorPartner
  • Software Categoría: Educación
  • Código App: com.itzTutorPart.tutor
  • Versión lastest: 1.10
  • requisito: 4.1 o superior
  • Tamaño del archivo : 10 MB
  • tiempo de actualización: 2022-09-27