Karaoke Tembang Kenangan 1.0.14 [free]


Karaoke Tembang Kenangan is a free karaoke application that contains a mix of karaoke songs from legendary Indonesian singers such as the memorable song Broery Marantika, the
memory song of Dian Pissesha, the memory of Nia Daniati, the memory of Pance Pondang, the song of memories of Panbers, the nostalgic song of Ratih Purwasih, the nostalgic song
yuni shara etc. This karaoke application presents music in the mp3 format of nostalgic songs that produces clear music sound with the right beat. There are also song lyrics to
make it easier for you to sing, so you don't have to worry about forgetting the lyrics. The available nostalgic songs are karaoke songs without vocals so that the karaoke sound
recordings are pure gold without mixing with the original singer's voice. with this karaoke recording feature, it allows you to record the karaoke song that is being sung, then
the karaoke voice recording can be listened to again at a later time.
This karaoke recording feature can be used or not depending on you. If you want to record karaoke sounds, you need permission to record and save the karaoke recordings to your
cellphone storage so that they can be played back at another time. Recordings can be listened to in two ways, namely while still in this nostalgic karaoke application, namely by
clicking the record play button shortly after recording.
With these features, it is hoped that the offline mp3 memory song karaoke application will become a good karaoke application to operate, especially since the karaoke songs are
old nostalgic songs.
The nostalgic songs that touch the heart that you can enjoy include: if you came, the end of love, the night wind, what was wrong and my sin, romance, hate but longing, flowery
hills, how much I love you, you are everything, the old church, a broken heart, don't there is a lie between us, tell the truth, you are not you, why should you meet, go love,
along memory lane, it's too late, thistle etc.
Hope you enjoy, thank you.

Versiones anteriores

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  • Nombre del software: Karaoke Tembang Kenangan
  • Software Categoría: Entretenimiento
  • Código App: com.gigigingsul.karaoketembangkenangan
  • Versión lastest: 1.0.14
  • requisito: 5.0 o superior
  • Tamaño del archivo : 71.03 MB
  • tiempo de actualización: 2023-01-30