Call Tooth Fairy Voicemail 2.1 [free]


This is the N.o 1 MUST-HAVE free Tooth Fairy Voicemail app and the ONLY app where you can call Tooth Fairy, listen to her voicemail message then record & play back a
voice message for her just like real! Text her & she replies just like real too!
The perfect app for children or parents who have a wobbly tooth or teeth that have fallen out and want to call the Tooth Fairy to tell her about it and ask her to collect
them. It could make brushing teeth or a visit to the dentist for a health check more like a fun happy game too!
- Kids can call Tooth Fairy anytime, her voicemail is always active. No airtime or data is used as it is not a live call.
- Text message Tooth Fairy and she replies just like real! No airtime or data is used as it is not a live text.**
- Get social with Tooth Fairy -
Tooth Fairy on Twitter:
Tooth Fairy on Facebook:
**Watch a video advert OR in-app purchase required to use the text feature**

Versiones anteriores

Free Download Código bidimensional para descargar
  • Nombre del software: Call Tooth Fairy Voicemail
  • Software Categoría: Casual
  • Código App: com.droidheads.voicemailtoothfairyfree
  • Versión lastest: 2.1
  • requisito: 4.0.3 o superior
  • Tamaño del archivo : 4.56 MB
  • tiempo de actualización: 2018-04-22