Webster News - World's 40 News Sources & Live News 4.0 [free]


Read news in offline mode without internet.
Not just headlines, read articles briefly from its original source by tapping on Read Full Article.
Fetches News from 40 sources (will add more in the future).
Notifications On the Go
* Easy one touch access
* Faster loading with smooth performance
* Small app size
* Never collect user data.
Sources :
Google News
The Washington Post
Times of India
CBS News
The Guardian
New York Times
The Wall Street Journal
National Geographic
BBC Sports
Huffington Post
Many More..
Categories :
1) Business
2) Entertainment
3) Gaming
4) General
5) Health and Medical
6) Science and Nature
7) Sport
8) Technology
Stay tuned, lot of great & most exciting features are in development. Will be updated in sooner.
We listen to our users
In any case,if you notice any bugs or crashes, kindly REPORT it by choosing Contact us option within the app. We will definitely try to fix all the issues as soon as
If you want to comment give feedback or suggestions about this app, feel free to use our Contact us option within the app.
We respond to every ticket generated by you. Thank you :)
Lets join our hands to make it the best News App in the market
★★★★★ We Need Your Support, Do Rate Us 5 Stars ★★★★★
Its a humble request don't leave negative reviews for missing of few features/bugs.Updates will come frequently to make it more better.
1. All news on this app is third-party owned by the respective news provider. We do not possess any copyright over their content. Each website follows independent terms of
use and privacy policies. Please read their terms & conditions carefully before use. In case you have a concern, you could get in touch with us via email. We will take
action within 24 hours.
2. If any case is observed for copyright, please contact via email and we will take it down.
3. News sources logos obtained from clearbit.com/logo.

Versiones anteriores

Free Download Código bidimensional para descargar
  • Nombre del software: Webster News - World's 40 News Sources & Live News
  • Software Categoría: Noticias y revistas
  • Código App: com.brijesh.webster.news
  • Versión lastest: 4.0
  • requisito: 4.4 o superior
  • Tamaño del archivo : 8.12 MB
  • tiempo de actualización: 2018-11-11