App for managing the St. Joe's Volleyball League. Various league information is displayed such as Standings, schedules, team pages, and the rules. In addition, it offers
the ability to upload scores which will automatically manage the standings.
the ability to upload scores which will automatically manage the standings.
Versiones anteriores
- 01/01/2018: St. Joe's Volleyball App 1.0.1
- Report a new version
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Código bidimensional para descargar
- Nombre del software: St. Joe's Volleyball App
- Software Categoría: Salud y bienestar
- Código App: com.arlington.stjoesvb
- Versión lastest: 1.0.1
- requisito: 4.0.3 o superior
- Tamaño del archivo : 18.92 MB
- tiempo de actualización: 2018-01-01