Tentang Nada & Dakwah Live Ki Joko Goro-goro
Kembali dihadirkan Aplikasi Android Islami untuk mengisi hari-hari Umat Muslim dengan hal-hal yang bermanfaat. Khususnya bagi kaum muslim suku Jawa. Dihadirkan aplikasi Nada
& Dakwah Live Ki Joko Goro-goro yang berisi koleksi terbaik Live Nada & Dakwah bahasa Jawa dari Ki Joko Goro-Goro (K.H. Abdurrohim). Live di Karangjoho Karangdowo
Klaten dan Salatiga. Install dan nikmati tausiah bahasa Jawa dari Ki Joko Goro-Goro yang penuh hikmah dan sangat menghibur karena diselingi lagu-lagu religi dan
lelucon-lelucon khas Jawa.
Abdurrohim,lebih dikenal dengan panggilan Ki joko Goro-goro. asa kecilnya dihabiskan di pondok pesantren milik pamannya PP. Fathul Huda Sidorejo kecamatan Karang Tengah
Kabupaten Demak. Beliau diberi gelar oleh masyarakat sekitar Ki Joko Goro-goro karena di dalam aktifitas dakwahnya yang menggunakan wayang sering memainkan tokoh dalam
goro-goro yaitu punakawan yang terdiri dari 4 serangkai bagong, petruk,semar, dan gareng. Hal seperti ini menyerupai dakwah yang dilakukan oleh Sunan Kali Jogo.
Suku Jawa merupakan suku bangsa terbesar di Indonesia yang berasal dari Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Kabupaten Indramayu (Jawa Barat), dan
Kabupaten/Kota Serang–Cilegon (Banten). Pada tahun 2010, setidaknya 40,22% penduduk Indonesia merupakan etnis Jawa.
Ceramah Islam atau Tausiyah atau sering juga disebut dengan tausiah adalah istilah umum di kalangan umat Islam yang merujuk kepada kegiatan siar agama (dakwah) yang
disampaikan secara tidak resmi (informal), berbeda dengan tabliq, ceramah, orasi, atau kotbah yang lebih berkonotasi kepada pidato serius yang dihadiri oleh ribuan bahkan
puluhan ribu jamaah.
Islam (bahasa Arab: الإسلام, translit. al-islām) adalah salah satu agama dari kelompok agama yang diterima oleh seorang nabi (agama samawi) yang mengajarkan monoteisme
tanpa kompromi, iman terhadap wahyu, iman terhadap akhir zaman, dan tanggung jawab.Fitur Unggulan
* Audio offline. Semua audio dapat dinikmati kapan saja dan di mana saja walau tanpa koneksi internet. Juga tidak perlu streaming sehingga sangat menghemat kuota data.
* Fitur Shuffle. Memainkan audio dengan random secara otomatis. Memberikan pengalaman yang berbeda dan menghibur tentunya.
* Fitur Repeat/Ulang. Memainkan semua atau setiap audio secara otomatis dan terus-menerus. Memberikan kemudahan untuk mendengarkan semua lagu yang tersedia secara
* Fitur play, pause, next, dan slider bar. Memberikan kontrol penuh pada setiap memainkan audio.
* Minimal permission (permisi). Aman bagi data pribadi karena tidak diambil sama sekali oleh aplikasi ini.
* Gratis. Dapat dinikmati sepenuhnya tanpa perlu membayar sepeser-pun.Disclaimer
All of content in this application is not our trademark. We only get the content from search engine and website. The copyright of all content in this application is fully
owned by the creators, musicians and music labels are concerned. If you are the copyright holder of the songs contained in this application and are not pleasing your song
displayed, please contact us via email developer and tell us about the status of your ownership.
About the Tone & Da'wah Live of Ki Joko Goro-goro
An Islamic Android application is again presented to fill the days of Muslims with useful things. Especially for Javanese Muslims. Presented Live Ki Nada & Da'wah
application Ki Joko Goro-goro which contains the best collection of Javanese Live Nada & Da'wah from Ki Joko Goro-Goro (K.H. Abdurrohim). Live at Karangjoho Karangdowo
Klaten and Salatiga. Install and enjoy Javanese language from Ki Joko Goro-Goro which is full of wisdom and very entertaining because it is interspersed with religious songs
and Javanese jokes.
Abdurrohim, better known as Ki joko Goro-goro. little hope was spent at the boarding school owned by his uncle PP. Fathul Huda Sidorejo, Karang Tengah subdistrict, Demak
Regency. He was given the title by the community around Ki Joko Goro-goro because in his preaching activities that use puppets often played characters in the goro-goro that
is punakawan consisting of 4 stringed bagong, petruk, semar, and gareng. Things like this resemble the propaganda carried out by Sunan Kali Jogo.
The Javanese are the largest ethnic group in Indonesia, originating from Central Java, East Java, the Special Region of Yogyakarta, the Indramayu Regency (West Java), and
the Serang – Cilegon Regency / City (Banten). In 2010, at least 40.22% of Indonesia's population was Javanese.
Islamic lectures or Tausiyah or often also referred to as tausiah is a general term among Muslims that refers to religious broadcast activities (dakwah) delivered informally
(informally), in contrast to the tabliq, lectures, orations, or sermons that are more connoted to speeches serious attended by thousands and even tens of thousands of
Islam (Arabic: الإسلام, translit. Al-islām) is one of the religions of the religious group accepted by a prophet (celestial religion) that teaches monotheism without
compromise, faith in revelation, faith in the end times, and responsibility.Featured Features
* Offline audio. All audio can be enjoyed anytime and anywhere even without an internet connection. Also no need to stream so it saves data quota.
* Shuffle feature. Play audio with random automatically. Providing a different and entertaining experience of course.
* Repeat / Repeat feature. Play all or every audio automatically and continuously. Provides convenience for listening to all available songs automatically.
* Play, pause, next, and slider bar features. Provides full control on every audio play.
* Minimal permission (excuse me). Safe for personal data because it is not taken at all by this application.
* Free. Can be fully enjoyed without paying a penny.Disclaimer
All of content in this application is not our trademark. We only get the content from search engines and websites. The copyright of all content in this application is fully
owned by the creators, musicians and music labels are concerned. If you have the copyright holder of the songs contained in this application and are not pleasing your song
displayed, please contact us via email developer and tell us about the status of your ownership.
Kembali dihadirkan Aplikasi Android Islami untuk mengisi hari-hari Umat Muslim dengan hal-hal yang bermanfaat. Khususnya bagi kaum muslim suku Jawa. Dihadirkan aplikasi Nada
& Dakwah Live Ki Joko Goro-goro yang berisi koleksi terbaik Live Nada & Dakwah bahasa Jawa dari Ki Joko Goro-Goro (K.H. Abdurrohim). Live di Karangjoho Karangdowo
Klaten dan Salatiga. Install dan nikmati tausiah bahasa Jawa dari Ki Joko Goro-Goro yang penuh hikmah dan sangat menghibur karena diselingi lagu-lagu religi dan
lelucon-lelucon khas Jawa.
Abdurrohim,lebih dikenal dengan panggilan Ki joko Goro-goro. asa kecilnya dihabiskan di pondok pesantren milik pamannya PP. Fathul Huda Sidorejo kecamatan Karang Tengah
Kabupaten Demak. Beliau diberi gelar oleh masyarakat sekitar Ki Joko Goro-goro karena di dalam aktifitas dakwahnya yang menggunakan wayang sering memainkan tokoh dalam
goro-goro yaitu punakawan yang terdiri dari 4 serangkai bagong, petruk,semar, dan gareng. Hal seperti ini menyerupai dakwah yang dilakukan oleh Sunan Kali Jogo.
Suku Jawa merupakan suku bangsa terbesar di Indonesia yang berasal dari Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Kabupaten Indramayu (Jawa Barat), dan
Kabupaten/Kota Serang–Cilegon (Banten). Pada tahun 2010, setidaknya 40,22% penduduk Indonesia merupakan etnis Jawa.
Ceramah Islam atau Tausiyah atau sering juga disebut dengan tausiah adalah istilah umum di kalangan umat Islam yang merujuk kepada kegiatan siar agama (dakwah) yang
disampaikan secara tidak resmi (informal), berbeda dengan tabliq, ceramah, orasi, atau kotbah yang lebih berkonotasi kepada pidato serius yang dihadiri oleh ribuan bahkan
puluhan ribu jamaah.
Islam (bahasa Arab: الإسلام, translit. al-islām) adalah salah satu agama dari kelompok agama yang diterima oleh seorang nabi (agama samawi) yang mengajarkan monoteisme
tanpa kompromi, iman terhadap wahyu, iman terhadap akhir zaman, dan tanggung jawab.Fitur Unggulan
* Audio offline. Semua audio dapat dinikmati kapan saja dan di mana saja walau tanpa koneksi internet. Juga tidak perlu streaming sehingga sangat menghemat kuota data.
* Fitur Shuffle. Memainkan audio dengan random secara otomatis. Memberikan pengalaman yang berbeda dan menghibur tentunya.
* Fitur Repeat/Ulang. Memainkan semua atau setiap audio secara otomatis dan terus-menerus. Memberikan kemudahan untuk mendengarkan semua lagu yang tersedia secara
* Fitur play, pause, next, dan slider bar. Memberikan kontrol penuh pada setiap memainkan audio.
* Minimal permission (permisi). Aman bagi data pribadi karena tidak diambil sama sekali oleh aplikasi ini.
* Gratis. Dapat dinikmati sepenuhnya tanpa perlu membayar sepeser-pun.Disclaimer
All of content in this application is not our trademark. We only get the content from search engine and website. The copyright of all content in this application is fully
owned by the creators, musicians and music labels are concerned. If you are the copyright holder of the songs contained in this application and are not pleasing your song
displayed, please contact us via email developer and tell us about the status of your ownership.
About the Tone & Da'wah Live of Ki Joko Goro-goro
An Islamic Android application is again presented to fill the days of Muslims with useful things. Especially for Javanese Muslims. Presented Live Ki Nada & Da'wah
application Ki Joko Goro-goro which contains the best collection of Javanese Live Nada & Da'wah from Ki Joko Goro-Goro (K.H. Abdurrohim). Live at Karangjoho Karangdowo
Klaten and Salatiga. Install and enjoy Javanese language from Ki Joko Goro-Goro which is full of wisdom and very entertaining because it is interspersed with religious songs
and Javanese jokes.
Abdurrohim, better known as Ki joko Goro-goro. little hope was spent at the boarding school owned by his uncle PP. Fathul Huda Sidorejo, Karang Tengah subdistrict, Demak
Regency. He was given the title by the community around Ki Joko Goro-goro because in his preaching activities that use puppets often played characters in the goro-goro that
is punakawan consisting of 4 stringed bagong, petruk, semar, and gareng. Things like this resemble the propaganda carried out by Sunan Kali Jogo.
The Javanese are the largest ethnic group in Indonesia, originating from Central Java, East Java, the Special Region of Yogyakarta, the Indramayu Regency (West Java), and
the Serang – Cilegon Regency / City (Banten). In 2010, at least 40.22% of Indonesia's population was Javanese.
Islamic lectures or Tausiyah or often also referred to as tausiah is a general term among Muslims that refers to religious broadcast activities (dakwah) delivered informally
(informally), in contrast to the tabliq, lectures, orations, or sermons that are more connoted to speeches serious attended by thousands and even tens of thousands of
Islam (Arabic: الإسلام, translit. Al-islām) is one of the religions of the religious group accepted by a prophet (celestial religion) that teaches monotheism without
compromise, faith in revelation, faith in the end times, and responsibility.Featured Features
* Offline audio. All audio can be enjoyed anytime and anywhere even without an internet connection. Also no need to stream so it saves data quota.
* Shuffle feature. Play audio with random automatically. Providing a different and entertaining experience of course.
* Repeat / Repeat feature. Play all or every audio automatically and continuously. Provides convenience for listening to all available songs automatically.
* Play, pause, next, and slider bar features. Provides full control on every audio play.
* Minimal permission (excuse me). Safe for personal data because it is not taken at all by this application.
* Free. Can be fully enjoyed without paying a penny.Disclaimer
All of content in this application is not our trademark. We only get the content from search engines and websites. The copyright of all content in this application is fully
owned by the creators, musicians and music labels are concerned. If you have the copyright holder of the songs contained in this application and are not pleasing your song
displayed, please contact us via email developer and tell us about the status of your ownership.
Versiones anteriores
- 04/19/2022: Nada & Dakwah Joko Goro Goro 1.1
- Report a new version
- Nombre del software: Nada & Dakwah Joko Goro Goro
- Software Categoría: Música y audio
- Código App: com.Zona.Islam.Nada.Dakwah.Joko.Goro.Goro.Salatiga.Klaten.Audio.Offline
- Versión lastest: 1.1
- requisito: 7.0 o superior
- Tamaño del archivo : 39.63 MB
- tiempo de actualización: 2022-04-19