Pinypon Parks 1.1 [free]


Download the new Pinypon videogame! Have fun creating your own amusements park, get your Pinypons onto a bunch of attractions, like for instance the roller coaster, the
bumper cars and the haunted house, and make them slide down the aquatic rides.
Pinypon Parks include:
- Wonderful graphics full of color and movement.
- Easy fun playability suitable for all.
- A whole bunch of different attractions to be unblocked.
- Online score rankings for the best players.

Versiones anteriores

Free Download Código bidimensional para descargar
  • Nombre del software: Pinypon Parks
  • Software Categoría: Casual
  • Código App:
  • Versión lastest: 1.1
  • requisito: 2.2.x o superior
  • Tamaño del archivo : 21.11 MB
  • tiempo de actualización: 2018-01-22