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東京オート株式会社は東京都・埼玉県でサービスステーションを展開し、お客様の愛車のトータルサポートを行うべく幅広いサービスを提供しております。 当社のアプリ「愛車笑顔 オート」ではアプリで簡単に洗車・コーティングなどのご予約や愛車のメンテナンス管理が可能の他、ご登録いただいた店舗で利用いただけるお得な

28.71 MB

株式会社丸大石油は静岡県でサービスステーションを展開しています。 当社の公式アプリ「MARUDAI CAR MAINTENANCE アプリ」ではお客様のカーライフをサポートするための情報を提供中!アプリで簡単に洗車・コーティングなどのご予約や愛車のメンテナンス管理が可能の他、ご登録いただいた店舗で利

28.73 MB

Aplicativo Mobile da Mave Assistência 24 horas, que permite a localização dos veículos em tempo real, além dos últimos registros, com endereço, data e

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THIS IS NOT THE SFARA GUARDIAN CONSUMER SAFETY APP. Sfara Fleet Companion is for businesses that have already been given credentials from a Sfara enga

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* 어플 설치 후 대리운전을 이용하시면 고객님께 10% , 추천하시고 추천인이 이용하시면 3%를 적립금으로 드립니다. * 꽃배달서비스도 이용가능합니다. 여러어플 찾지 마시고 이용하시면 10%적립금을 드리는 디시대리로 혜택 받으세요 * 퀵서비스도 이용하실수 있습니다. -

5.07 MB
X-taxi Warszawa

aplikacja demo taxi Warszawa system dyspozytorski TaxiPro tel. 66-137-2600 Przy pierwszym uruchomieniu, aplikacja może zapytać o uprawnienia GPS + Tel

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Let us help to make your visit to Washington Dulles Airport (IAD) the absolute best it can be. Looking for flight information? Trying to find your dep

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TakeTours provides more than 7000 tour packages from 2000+ cities worldwide for you to compare and book travel trips, hotels, and tickets at an easy w

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Vip Service Club, versão motorista. Vip Service Club, driver version.

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APT in Lisbon Apartments are located in Parque das Nações, the most modern and cosmopolitan neighbourhood of Lisbon! Through this application, you wil

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DSH-922 1.4

Connecting your smartphone to your dash cam has never been easier, with the new Dashmate app for Android. Using the DSH-922’s built in WiFi, you can r

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ebuchen 6.199

Jetzt gibt es ebuchen als offizielle App für's Smartphone! Alle Neuigkeiten, Fotos, Veranstaltungen und Termine landen so direkt in der Hosentasche. W

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Jetzt gibt es mein Wein! vom Weingut Caspari als offizielle App für's Smartphone! Alle Neuigkeiten, Fotos, Veranstaltungen und Termine landen so direk

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수도권, 부산, 대구, 광주, 대전 지하철 실시간 도착 정보를 쉽고 빠르게 확인 할 수 있게 도움을 드립니다. 수도권은 서울시에서 제공하는 실시간 정보를 반영하고, 그 외 지역은 시간표 기준으로 도착 정보를 알려 줍니다. 기존의 지하철 앱의 장점들을 모아 보다 직관적이

14.99 MB

৬৪ জেলার বিখ্যাত স্থান ও খাবার নিয়ে আমাদের এই অ্যাপ । বাংলাদেশের ৬৪ জেলার ইতিহাস ও সংক্ষিপ্ত আকারে দেওয়া আছে । ৬৪ জেলার ইতিহাস থেকে শুরু করে বাংলাদেশ

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Are you going to travel in Vietnam? TripHunter is the ideal travel application which contains thousands of destinations, restaurants, hotels, transpor

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Taipei MRT Map 2018 ( Taiwan ) Free Taipei MRT offline Map Latest updated Version. Features: Latest offline Taipei MRT Map. No mobile data needed. Gre

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SG Dr Bus is a Singapore Bus Timing app that allow users to save personalized routes and display saved routes according to user’s current location, re

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ParisGo 1.7.11

ParisGo allows you to check the timetable for the public transportation of the city of Paris: - “Metro”: Subway – Underground - Tramway - Bus - “Nocti

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Mutti 3.1.66

Mit Mutti fährst du bargeldlos und ohne Umwege von A nach B im gesamten Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Ruhr: Die praktische App der BOGESTRA ist Routenplaner,

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