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KlagenfurtMobil: Mit einer App ganz Klagenfurt erleben! Immer mehr Menschen kombinieren ihre Wege innerhalb der Landeshauptstadt Klagenfurt bzw. ins U

54.54 MB

** SOMENTE PARA MOTORISTAS ** O nosso aplicativo permite ao motorista receber novas corridas e aumentar a receita diária do profissional. Aqui o motor

6.27 MB

A national heavy vehicle registration checker mobile application to assist industry and drivers meet their pre-checks and Chain of Responsibility obli

17.2 MB

●○●○‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥+  ~ 心地よい、こころの音が響く宿 ~ 【TOSEI HOTEL COCONE】の公式アプリです +‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥●○●○ TOSEI HOTEL COCONEのスタンプカードアプリとして便利にご活用いただけるほか

53.84 MB
eTraffic 5.9.1

This application is provided in collaboration with Ministry of Interior - General Directorate of Traffic (GDT), United Insurance Company, National Oil

9.16 MB

Nå kan du endelig bestille Norges mest eksklusive biler med noen få tastetrykk. Vi har Norges mest moderne og lusuriøse bilpark, i tillegg til de fine

27.51 MB
VNET GPS 1.5.4

- Bản chính thức - Khách hàng đăng nhập tài khoản để theo dõi phương tiện - Tìm kiếm, kiểm tra thông tin hiện tại phương tiện - Xem lại thời gian, quã

8.61 MB

★ "Cameras New York" is free application that allow you to watch web cameras from New York and NYC. ★ Application contains more than 1900 cameras (liv

7.3 MB

Mit der kostenlosen Ab-in-den-Urlaub App finden Sie Ihren Traumurlaub! Ob Pauschalreisen, Kurzurlaub, Städtereisen, Wochenendtrips, Strandurlaub, Somm

14.63 MB

Navigate to UK Addresses by entering a postcode and choosing a property. Works with Google Maps. This app aims to take you to the actual property and

3.35 MB

Aplicación para Transportistas de Soluciones 506 - Ver rutas programadas - Ver Documentos por vencer - Cargar Documentos nuevos - Revisar los reportes

5.35 MB

** SOMENTE PARA MOTORISTAS ** O nosso aplicativo permite ao motorista receber novas corridas e aumentar a receita diária do profissional. Aqui o motor

6.04 MB

Met de TUI app heb je altijd en overal je reisinformatie binnen handbereik op je  smartphone of tablet. Voeg je boeking toe door je familienaam en res

48.47 MB

Had an incident with your vehicle? Filing a report after the fact can be confusing, stressful, and time consuming. The ATIC Accident Reporting App all

41.08 MB

VoipGain enables you to save on your monthly calling charges by over 80%! The VoipGain MobileVOIP app lets you make cheap or even free international c

12.11 MB

Transit is your real-time urban travel companion. Navigate your city’s public transit system with accurate real-time predictions, simple trip planning

15.57 MB

This version of Raksha is oriented to the driver. Driver can see offers listed on the map based on its distance. Driver can select offer and see the d

51.43 MB

** SOMENTE PARA MOTORISTAS ** O nosso aplicativo permite ao motorista receber novas corridas e aumentar a receita diária do profissional. Aqui o motor

7.97 MB
Cómo ir 4.1.0

Cómo ir es la aplicación oficial de la Intendencia de Montevideo que te ofrece toda la información necesaria sobre el transporte público de la ciudad.

7.26 MB

Go for Blinkee – the most friendly electromobility sharing service in Europe. The easiest and eco-friendly transport in your city. Stop worrying about

35.63 MB