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Fitetrec 1.0.3

Fitetrec è l'applicazione di riferimento della Federazione Italiana Turismo Equestre e Trec nata per rendere visibili e a portata di mano tutte la att

2.73 MB

== 「やましなプラス+」で、やましなの「今」を持ち歩こう! ==  「やましなプラス+」は、子育て・健康長寿・防災防犯など、京都市山科区の地域情報を配信する地域密着型アプリです。山科の旬の話題を毎日チェックしよう!他にも、便利な地下鉄・バスのルート検索機能や、ポイントを貯めながら楽しくウォーキング

34.9 MB
4 Way Taxi 20.4.0

4 Way Taxi is a leading provider of Taxi services in Brandon, Manitoba Canada. Whether you’re going to the airport or across town, 4 Way Taxi is avail

30.27 MB
Qld Rail 1.59

The Queensland Rail Mobile App is an information hub to easily access key information vital to your rail journey available through the touch of your f

56.2 MB
TAP Cargo 2.3.3

TAP Cargo is closer to you with free App for tablets and smartphones. Track your shipment status in real time, by inserting your air waybill number. Y

6.42 MB

** SOMENTE PARA TAXISTAS ** O nosso aplicativo permite ao taxista receber novas corridas e aumentar a receita diária do profissional. Aqui o taxista p

9.93 MB
Neues Museum Berlin neues.0.2.73

Enjoy the world famous Nefertiti amongst a treasure trove of art from ancient Egypt. Also explore beautiful works from ancient Europe such as the Berl

13.4 MB
Jugendseelsorge Püttlingen

Herzlich Willkommen bei der katholischen Jugendstelle Püttlingen im Dekanat Völklingen. In dieser App informieren wir über unsere zahlreichen Angebote

22.63 MB

新竹縣市公車即時動態快速查詢 ★ 獨家實用功能 : 天氣資訊 - 讓您出門前輕鬆掌握氣溫與降雨機率! 最愛站牌 - 常搭站牌加入最愛下次查詢省時快速! 即時動態 - 公車到站動態時間即時顯示自動更新! 路線搜尋 - 公車路線搜尋系統簡易操作快速查詢! 站牌地圖 - 自動定位搜尋附近公車站牌行經路線!

9.51 MB

The essential app for all users of Vélib' Métropole, the largest bike sharing service in Europe and the first to offer electric bikes. This service is

46.14 MB

Find all transport options nearby, check departures & delays for public transport and trains⏰, plan your route from A to B und directly buy tickets vi

70.65 MB

This app supports your road trip in Hokkaido, with destination information and panoramic driving routes. 【App Overview】 ・Area guides and articles for

70.12 MB

■このアプリは、アパホテル株式会社(APA HOTEL Co., Ltd.)が運営する「アパアプリ(アパホテル公式アプリ)」です。 全国のアパホテルを検索して、条件にあった宿泊・日帰り・デイユースプランの予約、オンライン決済、アプリで事前チェックインのお手続き等ができます。 ■対象端末:Androi

28.49 MB

The RouteGenie Driver app is built to be used only with the RouteGenie Software which helps NEMT companies reduce over head, boost overall efficiency

25.23 MB
Tripbds 2.10

我們認為現在的旅行模式,讓旅行原本應該有的探索樂趣及意義消失了。市面上充斥著都是為了賺錢而節省成本到極限的旅行團,走馬看花的旅遊模式讓旅遊索然無味,也讓人完全提不起勁。 我們希望透過介紹世界各地真正的好景點、美食、生活等多種資訊,來讓使用者自己去探索去發現,在我們的資料庫內的景點資料條件嚴苛,我們自

1.16 MB
Dialog ELD 3.8.1

DIALOG ELD is one of the most reliable and multi-functional ELD/AOBRD systems for all sized fleets. DIALOG ELD lets drivers record their Hours of Serv

21.76 MB

At Riverside Car and Limo Service, we have over 20 yrs of experience serving our clients. We are customer driven and focused on providing you with the

28.08 MB

Con la nuova App, sfrutta al massimo la tua visita a Mirabilandia, il Parco tematico più grande d'Italia, situato a Savio! - Puoi acquistare e sincron

42.52 MB

This app is for registered ParQue Drivers only

6.16 MB
Taxi216 1.2.6

⚠️Taxi216 est pour l'instant disponible pour l'instant uniquement sur le Grand Tunis. ⚠️ Conçue pour faciliter et d'améliorer le service de transport

12.55 MB