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상세설명 대구광역시 남구의 맛집을 소개합니다. 테마별분류의 맛집 정보를 확인하실수 있습니다. 맛집의 전화번호, 휴무일, 메뉴등 자세한 정보와 함께 사용자들의 이용후기를 볼 수 있습니다. 내주변 기능을 통해 현재 위치를 중심으로 반경을 설정하여 주변 맛집을 확인할 수 있

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Plan and enjoy the perfect trip with this TORONTO TRAVEL GUIDE, CANADA, book your hotel and enjoy the best restaurants in the city at an affordable pr

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Easy Drive is designed to keep you one step ahead in your busy life. With the ability to set multiple Drives and schedules, Easy Drive can notify you

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Commute Greener helps you to change your daily commuting pattern. Supported by the European Union and used for traffic campaigns worldwide. Share it w

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SRE Travels(Ananth Group) is a renowned brand in the bus operating industry. Our vision is to give a new face to the bus industry. Since our inception

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As a group Philosophy, Ganesh Tourists believes that it is the people who make the difference between success and failure.Ganesh Tourists has a team o

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MORNING STAR TRAVELS is the professional Travels dedicated to provide quality and timely service with an aim to meet the needs and desires of the cust

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Homestay Malaysia yang terdapat di Aplikasi ini merupakan himpunan Homestay yang terdapat di Malaysia. Pemilik Aplikasi ini tidak bertanggungjawab sek

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Senarai Homestay yang terdapat di Aplikasi ini merupakan himpunan Homestay yang telah dikutip di Facebook atau di Fanpage. Pemilik Aplikasi ini tidak

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Now anyone can start a homestay! List that extra room or that second house which is lying empty. Make your property earn for you. You can earn more fr

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Fairmont 2.02.00

The Fairmont Android App isn't just another application. It's like having a concierge in your pocket at all times, giving you unlimited access to the

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濟州常用地圖HD 2014.7.26.1

繼首爾圈常用地圖HD後,最新推出濟州常用地圖HD。 而且本地圖是離線版本,即使到了外地沒有網絡,亦可輕易使用。 由於濟州(Jeju)地廣,景區分散,因此只選擇了比較熱門的地方,有景區,有街道。 希望當中有你所需要的,讓你能在濟州輕鬆遊。 計劃行程的你,亦可參考-莎拉濟州遊。資訊內容十分齊全! 假若您

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感謝海芋小站專文推薦, iOS 上廣受好評的台北孔明車也推出 Android 版了! 完全免費 ~ All free 台北孔明車提供 "台北市/新北市微笑單車(YouBike)" 即時資訊查詢,包含以下功能 1. 即時單車與空位數量查詢 (需開啟網路連線) 2. 距離最近之租借點位置資訊 (需開啓定

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Yalla Off 4.0.2

Yalla Off Travel allows users to book air travel through their android. Yalla Off application allows them to search for the lowest fares available and

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Yala National Park waiting to be discovered. Probably among the best sightings of Leopards, Sloth bear, Elephants and the list goes on. This App provi

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BahrainGuide Map and Directory guide to find locations, places in Bahrain, such as Manama, Riffa, Muharraq , Hamad Town, A'ali, Isa Town, Sitra, Budai

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Live streaming to traffic on King Fahd Causeway for both country's sides

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"Hepimiz Tatil Olsun İstiyoruz" SEK TURİZM TEKSTİL VE TİC. LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ Türkiye’nin kalbi İstanbul’da kurulmuştur.Şirketin turizm alanındaki en büy

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LB Bridge 1.6

The Gerald Desmond Bridge has become a vital part of the nation's infrastructure, with nearly 15 percent of the nation's waterborne cargo trucked acro

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『桃園自由行旅遊』 結合當地的相關旅遊資訊及美食推薦,讓您也不用做筆記,也能輕鬆玩透透!! 除了提供豐富的旅遊資料外,還有許多美麗景點的推薦與評論,讓您更快體驗到桃園之美,快加入分享的行列吧! 『桃園自由行旅遊』內容包含許多民宿業者的官方資訊、部落客推薦、交通部觀光局的公共資源,如有任何建議歡迎隨時

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