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A simple program that allows you to share your location with your friends and family. ShareMyLocation3 uses OpenStreetMaps. Shareable link is generate

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成都地铁 7.0.1

成都地鐵-rGuide 全新登場 ----老牌地鐵查詢應用,累積超過1000萬用戶的出行選擇---- rGuide是Route Guide的簡寫,意為路線指引,專門提供本地出行、旅遊交通的路線指引以及地鐵周邊多樣的消費指南服務。 【主要功能】 ◆操作最簡便:無論是查詢車程還是車站資料,最快只需點擊2

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audio speedometer and tax mileage tracker, via accurate GPS, so your car can't steal your speed. • Drive at the sound of speed. • Keep your eyes on th

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Online taxi booking in Kirovo-Chepetsk ★ Order in a couple of clicks ★ Order a taxi with one button - without unnecessary conversations with the ope

16.76 MB

Заказывайте такси простым касанием экрана Вашего телефона! Установив на свой мобильный телефон или планшет, приложение для заказа такси «555555», вы о

4.84 MB

The demo version of the program to call a taxi Laym.Taksi Software Developer - "Laym.Tehnologii" LLC. Website: E-mail: info@lim

16.03 MB

Лайм.Демо - Демонстрационная версия водительского терминала Лайм.Такси Данное приложение является составной частью программного обеспечения для компле

1.21 MB
vlive 1.0

V'live est dédié aux utilisateurs des vélos en libre service (VLS) dans le Nord-Pas-de-Calais / Hauts-de-France. L'application supporte actuellement :

29.92 MB

Univelo came to save you. At the beginning, Lukasz, Marc and Florent, the geeks behind the app, are just some bike sharing lovers. And this powerful l

2.18 MB

Univelo came to save you. At the beginning, Lukasz, Marc and Florent, the geeks behind the app, are just some bike sharing lovers. And this powerful l

2.18 MB

CJ그룹 통근버스 어플리케이션입니다. CJ그룹 임직원께서는 사용자 인증후 로그인이 가능합니다. 어플 로그인후 소지하신 사원증을 등록하여 승차권으로 사용하시기 바랍니다.

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O nosso aplicativo permite ao parceiro Inova receber novas corridas e aumentar a receita diária do profissional. Aqui o parceiro Inova pode verificar

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Brampton Transit Time is for the Brampton commuters. Brampton Transit Time refers the Brampton Transit web site and gives you the exact time posted on

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Features: ✓ Free: Taxi Al Harbi is free to download. Enjoy free service and see taxi coming to your location. ✓ Fast & Easy: Don't waste your time hai

5.41 MB

문경브랜드콜 택시 특징 - 친절한 서비스 - 가장빠르고 쉬운 호출(간편한 조작으로 손쉬운 호출방식) - 안전한 택시(등록된 기사만으로 운행되니까 안심! 안심귀가서비스로 한번 더 안심!!) - 차량 상세정보 제공 - 차량위치정보제공(배차후 손님위치까지 차량이동상황, 도착

5.02 MB

This App gives your current GPS location coordinates and address anywhere you go. App allows you to share your location and address to friends and fam

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ParkEasy is the easiest way to remember where you parked your car. Park, away from the car, and when you're done, you will show the shortest way to go

3.75 MB

MOVER - the first mobile service that provides services for the organization of integrated travel and transport of goods in Moscow and the Moscow regi

9.07 MB

Mover is an intermediary between providers of transportation and consumers in need of goods being transported to a given destination in Denmark. Use t

18.86 MB

大阪の地下鉄に関するクイズアプリです! 第1弾は大阪市のメインストリート、御堂筋の地下を走る 「御堂筋線」にまつわるクイズになっております! 乗換の時に困った経験はありませんか? このクイズでスムーズな乗換を覚えましょう! 大阪の地下鉄を知らない人にも楽しめるはず。 大阪観光の予習、お供にみんなで楽

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