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✓ 免费:永久免費,不限流量 ✓ 简单:一键连接,无需注册 ✓ 快速:数百条服务器线路,任你选择 ✓ 用途:使用VPN代理,接通Facebook, Youtube,Google等网站和加速国外游戏速度等。 ✓ 轻巧:app只占5M空间, ✓ 安全:十年品牌保证您的数据安全 ✓ 无限制:沒有流量和宽带

7.63 MB

✓ 免费:永久免費,不限时长,不限流量 ✓ 简单:一键连接,无需注册 ✓ 快速:将您连接到最快的服务器 ✓ 安全:隐藏IP地址,网络身份,及位置,享受最大的网络隐私和安全。 ✓ 用途:使用VPN代理,接通Facebook, Youtube,Google等网站和加速国外游戏速度等。 ✓ 轻巧:app只

7.55 MB

完全免费无需注册 无限时长、无限流量、应用最快的VPN加速器, 支持Android 4+ 设备 通过使用Andr​​oid 4+以上版本的VpnService API 翻墙,不需ROOT权限。美国、日本等多台服务器提供选择 完全免费的VPN,随时随地连接! 我们不需要您注册任何个人信息,完全不必担心

7.87 MB

✓ 免费:永久免費 ✓ 简单:一键连接,无需注册 ✓ 快速:将您连接到最快的服务器 ✓ 用途:使用VPN代理,接通Facebook, Youtube,Google等网站和加速国外游戏速度等。 ✓ 轻巧:app只占5M空间, ✓ 安全:保证您的数据安全 ✓ 无限制:沒有流量和宽带限制 --------

7.44 MB

搭捷運,玩遊戲! 一起來蒐集隱身在各個捷運站的守護神吧! 還有機會獲得免費捷運車票喔! 一款結合場域AR與奇幻冒險的遊戲 - 奇幻行者 - 冒險初章 遠古時期,人們與「存在」合作共榮,萬物生生不息。「存在」因人們尊之,敬守地維天柱。地維天柱因「存在」的調和下,溫柔且強大。人們因地維天柱的穩定,安居樂

73.09 MB

လစဥ္ ထီေပါက္စဥ္ တင္ေပးေနပါျပီ ထီေပါက္စဥ္မွာ မိမိကံစစမ္းထားတ့ဲ ထီလက္မွတ္က နံပါတ္ေတြ ပါ၀င္ေနသလားဆိုတာ ဒီေဆာ့၀ဲကေန ရင္ခုန္စြာျဖင့္ ၾကည့္နိုင္ပါျပီ။ ထီဖြင

1.7 MB

35.77 MB

* Use this app for make your home bar like phoneX or replace a broken home button * This app adds an home button look like phone X at the bottom, top,

5.99 MB

#1 FlashLight App * Super bright LED Flashlight Torch * The Flashlight you will never forget to bring when in need! * The brightest, fastest, and most

3.64 MB

Walle Cleaner helps clean up junk files, free up memory and storage space. This master cleaner cleans many types of junk files (system cache, image ca

10.25 MB

Download the Huawei Mate 9 theme to stylize your app icons and Personalize your phone! ★ Features ★: Huawei Mate 9 theme is a theme specifically desig

9.11 MB

Technology Launcher Theme Let blue and purple bring you into a futuristic world of science and technology.Ignite the flame with the cool Technology La

8.03 MB
Simple Pie 1.4.7

- Replace a failed and broken button -*** Please Please read *** * Required -> Setting -> Accessibility -> Simple Pie [ON]* Function- Home-

3.71 MB

Be Rewarded for Playing Game! To redeem, please message us your screenshot at Communication Policy: Please contact us if you have

3.51 MB

This clock and weather app with widget is here waiting for you!This widgetis a full featured, completely customizable digital clock and weather foreca

18.05 MB

Network Elf is a small, fast and safe network tool with VPN.Small size but functional. Network Elf, a reliable Android optimizer, helps you clean back

11.75 MB
Kaomoji 1.2.5

A few words about Japanese emoticons Kaomoji (顔文字) is a popular text emoticons style initially emerged in Japan and later successfully proven all over

2.08 MB

Do you lose your phone with frequency? The Track a Phone by Number app is perfect for you! Your phone is stolen?The Track a Phone by Number makes it e

8.87 MB

Glowing Wonder - Hola Theme When you're lost in the woods, there's no need to worry because they're here.★Notice: This is not a stand-alone app - You

7.09 MB
G-MoN 4.2.2

Now LTE ready! Fieldtest shows LTE RSRP and RSRQ. A permanent RXL level of -115dBm on some Samsung phones is a Samsung bug! Only Samsung is able to fi

4 MB