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Imoji has joined GIPHY to bring you the best collection of stickers on the interweb. GIPHY Stickers is the fastest, simplest way to make, find, and sh

4.92 MB
吐司 3.2.0

15.53 MB
推他 2.02

2.48 MB
飘飘 5.6.7

6.36 MB

5.32 MB
派派 4.5.013


18.6 MB
美眉直播 3.8.0

天天秀场-最时尚的美女直播show场 天天秀场是一款美女直播视频交友聊天软件,它汇聚大量明星和美女主播,用户可以随时随地与美女主播实时互动,聊天、K歌、游戏等,给用户带来边说、边唱、边看、边玩、边交友的最时尚、最HIGH的网络生活。【核心功能】 1.强大的在线点歌功能,在直播间,选择点歌功能后,

8.75 MB

Developers, confess your sins!Coding Confessional is a place where software developers can anonymously share their thoughts, opinions and secrets.Get

2.12 MB
MiTalk 1.0.110

米吧是由小米公司推出的国内首个移动语音、图片社区。 米吧,为宅而生!米吧独特的“宅”文化,聚集了大量内心狂热、发烧猎奇、锐意创新,乐于分享、渴望交流的新时代宅男宅女。 米吧包含唱歌、动漫、女生、小米、闲聊等版块,为宅男、宅女们提供了一个全新的分享、交流平台。也许是一首歌、也许是一张图片、也许是一

6.69 MB
Bump 3.3.0

NEW: We've made it even easier to use Bump by filling out more of your card from your profile so you don't have to. NEW: Now Bump works with computers

2.93 MB
Weekr 1.0.1

Weekr新浪微博客户端Weekr是一款由 Color Code Team 开发的新浪微博的第三方客户端,专注于 Android版本的开发,遵循 Android Design的设计,设计从简洁易用出发,充分利用 Android 平台的特性,力争为 Android用户提供更好的微博体验,畅享织围脖的的

3.45 MB
头像淘淘 5.1.882

一键炫彩联系人来电头像,高清全屏爽到爆! 3秒DIY超个性QQ、微信、来电头像!【有哪些好玩功能】 1、一键导入联系人QQ、微博、人人头像到电话本,让来电更有爱。 2、最全头像库,460个专题,10万张美图,一键炫彩联系人头像。 3、头像DIY,近300款贴图、滤镜,3秒设计你的专属QQ头

9.69 MB

全球最火陌生人社交应用「耳语Whisper」beta版本落地中国。分享心事,表达真实,连接你我。- 最真实的社交空间 - 最温暖的青年旅社 - 最流行的树洞应用“婚礼上,我只喝了两个人敬的酒;一个是我嫁的人,一个是我想嫁的人。” “我的朋友都是人生赢家,难道只有我坐在这里每天吃泡面刷微博?” 在这里

10.99 MB
YiBo 2.3.0

YiBo for Android , obtain the authorization from sina completely, let you enjoy all functions for sina twitter, plus-into its unique feature. Meanwhil

3.01 MB

This app gives you a dedicated space for you and your groups.See all of your Facebook Groups in one place. Discuss, plan and collaborate easily and wi

51.4 MB
新浪博客 1.2.1

新浪博客是最主流、最具人气的博客频道。新浪博客Android版是为Android用户精心打造的博客客户端。 通过它,你可以快速发布博文、发照片;随时关注好友动态;浏览多个博客频道;查看博文和博主排行。主要功能: 1.支持新浪博客账号、新浪通行证以及新浪微博帐号登录; 2.随时关注好友动态;

3.31 MB
beeter 0.87.3

Thank you for your interest in beeter :) Try using the beeter for twitter? It's that simple!The application is still for developing, there is a possib

7.2 MB

Wondering where the Yellow Running Man had gone? He just got back from a long vacation! We've been listening to your feedback and we've rethought our

4.04 MB
片刻 5.2.1

25.55 MB
Loopt 4.5.2

Loopt gives you the inside scoop everywhere you go — see what locals think, find your friends, and get deals! *NEW* Loopt u-Deals: The first progra

1.99 MB