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unofficial reddit reader, simple and user friendlyIt uses same reddit layout with website, it uses low ram, has beatiful widget and needs few permissi

10.06 MB
WinkReader 2.4.1

4.45 MB

379.57 KB
GoEngadget 0.7.386

207.91 KB
Food & Drink 1.2.0

Your complete kitchen companionBrowse and organize hundreds of thousands of recipes from your favorite food magazines, world-famous chefs, bloggers an

7.63 MB

(douban is a Chinese website just like functions of your book collection(read,reading,wish) in b

1.93 MB

An all-new 3D Pokémon adventure packed with never-before-seen Pokémon has launched! Pokémon X and Pokémon Y presents a new generation of Pokémon and i

211.97 KB

Parce que le crayon sera toujours au dessus de la barbarie...Parce que la liberté est un droit universel...Retrouvez Charlie Hebdo dans son applicatio

3.42 MB
Karma Machine 0.1.14

Karma Machine is an app for browsing the popular website from your Android device. You can easily browse user-curated communities, known as

6.36 MB
南方周末 4.1.4

Southern Weekly media group is one of the most influential media organizations in China. The Southern Weekly News Reader, brought to you by,

6.77 MB

This app is now open source. Check out for the GitHub repository! Thanks for using NewsCatchr and feel free to contribute!-------

3.47 MB
挺我 5.2

匿名应用【挺我】全面升级。【挺我】是一个“匿名验证想法”的地方,无需透露身份即可发布问题并快速搜集答案,随时可以看到统计数据和图表。 【挺我】也是一个寻找贴心好友的地方,通过回答问题,将能找到和你拥有共同看法的人。通过对答案的分析,任意两个用户之间将拥有精准的“贴心指数”,系统会根据“贴心指数”向你

9.07 MB

【一点资讯,智能的个性化资讯应用】带你进入一个全新的资讯世界,多达100,000多个话题,想看什么就有什么,神奇算法发现你的品味爱好,喜欢什么就出什么! 1. 100,000多个话题,想看什么就有什么 2. 微博登陆,1秒猜出你的兴趣 3. 时下热点,行业资讯,生僻话题,无所不包,一个应用全解

18.14 MB
NubiNews 14.1

827.17 KB
快科技 2.1.4

3.58 MB
XianGuo 3.9.0

7.79 MB

No matter if you call it Soccer or Football: Experience the World Cup in Brazil first-hand with Onefootball Brasil. Get up to date play-by-play match

11.95 MB

"掌媒”免费版发布啦!海量精美杂志全部免费下载阅读! “掌媒”是掌媒数字新媒体有限公司研发的,全球第一款能够阅读原版杂志、报纸、图书的软件,是欣赏图文并茂精美杂志很好的工具。掌媒是专供智能手机用户欣赏原版杂志所用的,其构筑的“掌上媒体世界”是国内最大的原版手机杂志阵地,阅读功能和内容资源空前强

2.98 MB
微观资讯 1.9.4

● “微观”致力于为广大“观众”提供最个性化最精准的资讯获取、资讯社交服务● 聚合网易,新浪,腾讯,百度,凤凰,搜狐等各大门户平台的新闻资讯● 采用最精准的智能算法为每一位用户推送最感兴趣的新闻资讯● 用户可以定义“我想看”关键词,打造自己专属的资讯管家● 全新知识模块,让您在零碎的时间内,也能轻松

7.33 MB
易新闻 2.0

39.12 KB