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Haike News v2.8.7

海客是人民日报海外版及海外网在新时期着力打造的全新综合类新闻客户端。去年诞生的海客新闻,一直恪守服务于海外华侨华人、港澳台同胞、海外留学生以及中国驻外机构等人员的理念。从新闻资讯到服务咨询,海客始终关注海外华人生活、关注海外华人所关注的事件、关注所有对海外华人有影响的讯息。 在海客,每天将

10.05 MB
Money 1.2.0

Finance simplifiedKnow more about your money with financial data and news from the world's top sources. Grow your finances with handy tools and calcul

8.28 MB
News Digest 1.3.0

Get in the know in no time. Yahoo News Digest provides a definitive summary of all the important, need-to-know news. Digests are delivered twice a day

13.43 MB
Reddinator 3.21.3

Reddinator is a Reddit Widget & App.It's built to be easy to use, highly customisable and completely optimised to make you spend every waking moment o

3.16 MB
FeedlyReader 1.1.5

FeedlyReader is a RSS reader for Feedly

2.83 MB

「知乎每日精选」每天三次刷新知乎最热门的大约100条回答,带您了解知乎动态。「时光机」功能让您回到历史上的某一天,看一看那一天知乎上在讨论什么。简洁的Material Design,小巧的身材,给您清爽的阅读体验。

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每日看点 4.0.0

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comikon 3.7.release

14.56 MB

5.62 MB
阅FM 1.4.0

阅FM提供了良好的阅读界面与高质量的文字内容,同时它会通过你的持续使用,学习并理解你所喜好的内容,并以此成为专属与你的个人杂志。 如今的你是否还能静下心来读完一篇文章? 如今的你是否还记得当年阅读时的喜悦与感动? 是否还记得的当年的愿望?「我想有一本永远也翻不完的书」网页访问:http://y

4.26 MB
Watchville 1.1.1

Watchville is the easiest way to keep up with wristwatch news, aggregating the most popular watch blogs all in one place. Watchville also includes too

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eSports 2.8

theScore eSports is the ultimate mobile eSports experience on Android. It’s the best way to follow breaking news and live scoring coverage from League

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拇指阅读 mzread1.8.8


17.26 MB
Great Big Story

Great Big Story brings you awesome video storytelling from around the world. We are obsessed with the unexpected and the amazing. Starving for somet

15.55 MB
S1 Next 0.5.5

An Android Client for STAGE1.

2.6 MB

Document scanning using your phone's camera to convert one or more pages into a PDF. Like having scanner/copier/fax machine in your pocket!PDFs are co

138.1 KB
创意设计 3.2.2


8.24 MB
月光天涯 1.2.0

300.87 KB
十幅图 3.0.3

4.52 MB
cnBeta 1.5.5

Pure cnbeta 1.5.5 更新1. 修复topten以及热门评论。2. 修复Android5.0下崩溃以及黑条的问题。3. 修复评论数目显示不对的问题。4. 修复支持/反对评论不起作用的问题。5. 增加评论逆序显示(设置中勾选 )。6. 热门评论修复。PS: 依然无法评论,我正在修复。。。

3.57 MB