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9.27 MB
CF.lumen 3.52

CF.lumen adapts the colors on your Android device based on the position of the sun, or your custom configuration.When using the default settings, your

926.48 KB
Sydney 1.0

Lonely Planet Compass Sydney Augmented Reality Travel Guide. Maps, POI''s Use the Lonely Plan

2.13 MB
Life Clock 1.1.7

Life Clock - Life has always been a countdown from the very beginning.Till now, Have you ever calculated how much time you have already gone through a

3.77 MB

Best way to get full free access to hundreds of traditional and new inspiring delicious recipes. Whether pizza, pasta, burgers, soups or desserts, wit

7.62 MB
花儿 2.0.6


7.93 MB
V+商城 1.0.2

847.36 KB
ZAKER橱窗 3.0.1

ZAKER 橱窗Android版——最潮的口袋时尚购物杂志。 爱自己从扮靓开始!ZAKER 橱窗通过高清海报版式展示时尚佳品,为用户提供最舒适的视觉享受。八大主流商品分类,让你的购物更便捷;精挑细选时尚潮牌,为你打造魅力星球;紧跟潮流的主题推荐,让流行前沿触手可得。ZAKER橱窗Android版,在

1.68 MB
QQ电影票 7.7.0


21.51 MB
Contraction+ 3.0.2

Contraction+ is Labor Contractions Timer for pregnancy, it can help pregnant mothers to keep tracking of your contractions with ease and style. You ca

1.45 MB
NewsCamera 3.6.8

新闻相机是一款完全免费的APP,重点是可以自由的选择电视台模板套用。 ●透过前置镜头拍摄新闻画面 ●自订的字幕 ●自订的标题 ●自订的跑马灯 ●一共包含了39台電視台畫面 CCTU1 综合 、CCTU2 财经 、 综艺、CCTU4 中文国际、CCTU5 体育 、CCTU6 电影、 CCT

1.6 MB
Sleep partner beta 0.4.b.0.1

This is your sleep partner that, unlike some conventional alarm apps, encourages you to live a healthy lifestyle, helping you fall asleep and wake up

7.65 MB
Tenpay 2.5.1

QQ财付通:会支付,会生活。生活亲密小管家,2012智能手机必备软件,3亿人的选择,值得你拥有!************************* QQ财付通是腾讯倾情研发之作-集无线支付和生活应用为一体的智能手机软件,只要拥有QQ号,让您弹指间尽享迅捷、优惠、无可比拟的无线便捷生活。******

2.24 MB
饭本 2.3.2

饭本,通过好友和达人帮你解决吃饭问题 人气美食点评应用,Android 客户端终于来了!亮点: *好友推荐:通过社交关系获得好友的推荐和吐槽,从此远离陌生人和水军的不可信点评。 *社会化标签:通过名人推荐、媒体推荐、新开餐馆、大众点评星级、等位预警等社会化标签系统,加上好友和达人的推荐,必定

13.1 MB
Daygram 1.2.6

Daygram is a simple diary application that provide users with the charming sense of e-ink. By writing down your everyday life events with Daygram, kee

4.02 MB

Droid Light is the perfect tool for finding your keys in the dark. The app uses the super bright camera LED, and it works great on the Motorola Droid,

173.84 KB

Music Alarm Clock Do you ever try set an favour song to your wake up alarm? Do you think you are getting to hate that song? Yeah, the alarm kille

1.7 MB

You only have to input your weight to be able to see graphs and lists charting increases or decreases since your last input.It's essential for dieting

3.2 MB

Played through headphones, binaural beats have long been used to alter the dominant frequency of brain activity, with a variety of goals: deep sleep,

1.31 MB
Day by Day 1.23

"Day by Day" is a beautiful, material-design polished implemention of the classic "Don't break the chain" / X effect method for building and tracking

2.86 MB