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Denne app inneholder den offisielle Veileder i generell gynekologi utgitt av Norsk Gynekologisk Forening. Foreningens Kvalitetssikringsutvalg har samm

13.27 MB

Alopecia SymptomsThis app is free and explains all about Alopecia Symptoms and hair loss

23.62 MB

33. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası

16.67 MB
NoSmoking 1.0.0

■機能  Live2D®モデルの表示  禁煙時間の確認  節約金額の表示  SNS(Twitter, Facebook etc.)へのシェア  禁煙に関するツイートの表示 世の中は禁煙に向かって突き進んでいます! さあ!あなたも禁煙しましょう! Live2D®で動く女の子が応援してくれます。 そんな

18.99 MB

Cyclique is the ultimate app for your favourite hobby. The app connects you in real time with cyclists near you. Other features: use GPSies or Komoot

32.15 MB


63.55 MB

Lambai aur vajan badhane ke tarike has popular solution of increasing height with the help of exercise and Yogasan. Yogasana and the dieting are the m

1.66 MB

 日本に住んでいる外国人及び外国人旅行者が国内の病院で受診する際や、日本の海外渡航者が海外現地の医療機関で受診する際、また聴覚障がい者が医療機関で受診する際など、症状の問診に関わるコミュニケーションが取りづらい状況があります。  ヘルスライフパスポートはそのような状況であっても、タッチ入力で「内科を

1.01 MB

Funabashi Yukari clinic app. Automatic check-in function, next visit date / time and history, Point information browsing and advantageous campaign inf

2.18 MB

どこでもマジでウケる一般常識をはるかに超える一行雑学をクイズ形式にしたアプリです。 出題された問題を40秒間の制限時間の中で5択方式で回答し、 正解率100%の雑学博士を目指します。 正解率は100%でSランク、80〜99%でAランク、60〜79%でBランク、40〜59%でCランク、 20〜39%で

11.39 MB

Health Promise is Patient-centered collaborative disease management app which allows capturing of patient reported data to capture quality of life, an

7.77 MB

In this busy world , if you get illness or injuries and you don't have time to visit doctor. Then this personal doctor app is the best solution. Submi

1.9 MB
MedMob 1.0

An easy way from medical professionals to manage their appointments, tasks and patients while on the go. This is the Beta release of our MedMob app. T

20.15 MB

La Dott.ssa LAURA PEVERI psicologa, psicoterapeuta e dottore di ricerca, è iscritta all’Ordine degli psicologi della Lombardia (n° 03/10767). Ordine d

4.74 MB

메디쿱 [MediKooB] 대한민국의 의사전용 모바일 설문앱인 Medical Survey가 다양한 기능과 함께 MediKooB으로 새롭게 태어났습니다. [주요서비스] 1. 시간과 장소에 구애받지 않는 Survey System MediKooB은 시간과 장소에 구애받지 않

8.42 MB
Ruhi Day Spa 5.12.0

Conoce nuestra amplia gama de servicios. Somos un Spa urbano, en el cual con la calidez de nuestro ambiente y la atención personalizada de nuestras te

5.62 MB

Using the centers for disease control opioid morphine equivalent conversion factors this app assists medical personal to quickly calculate the morphin

2.17 MB
Fleeteyes MDT 1.1.7.updater

**** This application is no longer being developed and no more updates will be made to this Google Play Store listing. For the latest in EMS vehicle m

1.3 MB

It is Kunibu Yuko of dermatology and beauty dermatology vice director. Such as "want to be beautiful," "young, only a little," "the just reward of a l

35.23 MB


55.14 MB