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Candidemia 1.0.0

La aplicación proporciona una manera rápida de que el médico sepa según el tipo de candidemia que esta colonizando a su paciente, en virtud del nombre

510.5 KB

Full-featured, evidence-based digoxin calculator designed to provide empiric dosing recommendations for the treatment of heart failure and atrial fibr

272.57 KB
Appirine 1.3

Crea avisos con tus fármacos (Pastillas, jarabes, antibióticos, etc.) de forma sencilla para que no tengas que preocuparte por la hora a la que debes

4.16 MB

We all know Asthma is a disease that affects the passage of air between the lungs. Asthma is an itching disease where if you are careless, it can even

2.42 MB

The application is designed to help people who smoke to control and reduce the number of cigarettes they consume. Every new cigarette is registered by

762.61 KB

Use HabitTracker to track as many countable habits as you have in your life. Count how many push up yous can do, how many sit ups, how often you take

6.98 MB
Stop Smoking 1.0.0

This is the Quit Smoking App! Please read the -full description- to understand and figure out what's the goal of this App. Quit Smoking examines your

17.97 MB

La mejor guia para aprender a cepillar tus dientes ! 100% GRATUITA y de Acceso Libre ! Cepillarse los dientes es muy importante. Usted debe cepillarse

274.93 KB

Utah Youth Rugby is the go-to source for all schedules, scores, news, photos and more. Now you can access photos, videos, comments, stats and live sco

10.71 MB

Rugby League may have established itself in the Sydney metropolitan area in 1908 but the progress of this rugby game, played under different rules, in

3.44 MB

Simple app to keep track of score and time of a rugby match. This app was created so that I could keep track of my Sevens teams scores and approximate

1.86 MB

このアプリは、オリンピック種目である バドミントンのスポーツ始めようとする 初心者の方に向けたルールや技、歴史など 簡単に集めた非公式の無料アプリです。 クイズは4カテゴリーに分かれてます。 これがわかれば、バドミントンのテレビ中継など見る時 さらに楽しく見れると思います。 是非気軽に楽しんでくださ

5.28 MB
Chick 1.1.0

このアプリは名古屋市天白区の『バドミントンクラブハウス チック』の公式アプリです。 店舗情報や各種最新情報などを確認できます。 主な機能 ・アプリ限定のオトクな時限クーポンを随時配信 ・お得なキャンペーン情報をチェック ・最新のニュースリリース情報をチェック ・店舗の所在地やワンタッチコールで電話予

8.47 MB

GELOB have been pursuing every possibility of improvement for all sports based on its longstanding experience, persistent research and continued pione

262.67 KB
Asthma 2.0

Asthma Tracker 3 supports you in keeping your asthma diary up-to-date by making it easy to track your peak flow values, your asthma medication intake

3.34 MB

Do your fundraising on the go with your Walk to End Lupus Now application. Update your page, send emails, and check your progress – all from the palm

4.64 MB
panadol 1.0

This application works to help students in the School of Medicine through the containing the medical channels to explain medical subjects, as well as

10.62 MB

My Asthma Score is easy and quick to use test to help you monitor and control your Asthma. It provides a numerical score calculated based on a symptom

2.42 MB

Peak Flow Manager is an application for people who want to control their asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). • Record peak expirat

5.11 MB

You can continue to record the match results, results of operations for each tournament. The data can be entered and viewing of data from other smartp

25.47 MB