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Accept credit, cash and check anywhere, anytime. Our cash register app allows you to take payments on the go or at your retail location. Includes free

1.43 MB

Do you want to be fluent in English? Then you'll need to master your verb conjugations! With this app, you can practice any verb you need! The conjuga

2.72 MB

The largest fairy tales collection! Text, audio and video, stories to suit everybody's fancy: classics and modern bedtime stories and a great opportun

22.99 MB

English Japanese Translator - easy application supports translating Japanese into English and from English to Japanese ☆ The app is used to - Support

1.88 MB

English practice speaking with basic introductory sentence to greet needed for daily life for spoken english or english speaking. Trained to help deve

5.81 MB

If your child needs to learn the English alphabet, then this game will help to learn the alphabet letters of the English alphabet fast and fun. At the

16.61 MB

#1 app for data structures and Algorithms in Playstore in 50+ countries ***100000+ downloads*** Video Tutorials and Advanced Topics Read Data Structur

6.52 MB

From the hit TV station BabyFirst comes another playful interactive kids’ app, Animal Match Up! Introduce your little one to animals with this amusing

46.34 MB

The Arduino Tutorials are practical materials for developers who want to use Arduino hardware to create cool projects. They include complete, working

7.32 MB

Cea mai apreciata aplicatie de povesti pentru copii! Vrem sa aducem povestile si basmele copilariei mai aproape de copii. Va invitam pe taramul basmel

19.64 MB

해외 여행을 준비중이세요? 그렇다면 여행 영어를 챙겨 가세요. 외국을 여행할 때 꼭 필요한 영어 표현들이 들어 있습니다. 여행 영어는 인터넷에 접속하지 않아도 사용할 수 있기 때문에 언제, 어디서든 여행 중에 편리하게 이용하실 수 있습니다. 기초 회화 표현은 물론, 비

28.37 MB

★구글이 추천한 최고의 유아 한글학습 앱!★ ★★ 한글을 시작하는 어린이들을 위한 재미 두배 학습 두배 효과만점 한글친구!! ★★■ 뽀로로 한글박사는 주제별 낱말 콘텐츠가 새롭게 추가되었습니다.■ 뽀로로 한글박사는 우리아이 혼자서도 이용하기 쉽게 구성되어 있습니다.■

24.16 MB

本軟體收錄了Toeic600分、 Toeic730分和Toeic860分, 共三個階段的2000個重要單詞,軟體本身操作簡便,靈活,易用性好。 主要功能有: ・單詞學習 ・單詞一覽 ・測驗 ・複習 ・報告 ・設置 單詞學習  此功能主要是將2000個單詞劃分為50個單元,每單元40個單詞;科學的單元

19.23 MB

Η καλύτερη εφαρμογή για το δίπλωμα αυτοκινήτου. Περιλαμβάνει ολα τα τέστ με τα σήματα και τις μηχανολογικές ερωτήσεις σε μόλις 6.8 mb. • Εύκολο στη χρ

7.61 MB

iTooch Maths CM1 est une application de soutien scolaire ludique, conçue par des enseignants, qui couvre le programme scolaire officiel de mathématiqu

34.56 MB

iTooch Mathématiques CE1 est une application de soutien scolaire ludique, conçue par des enseignants, qui couvre le programme scolaire officiel en mat

34.56 MB

iTooch Français CP est une application de soutien scolaire ludique, conçue par des enseignants, qui couvre le programme scolaire officiel en français

34.56 MB

iTooch Français CE2 est une application de soutien scolaire ludique, conçue par des enseignants, qui couvre le programme scolaire officiel de Français

34.56 MB

With more than 1,628 activities, iTooch 2nd Grade Math is a fun way of practicing and learning Math for second graders. It is, by far, the largest col

34.55 MB

With more than 1,602 activities, iTooch 7th Math is a fun way of practicing and learning Math for seventh graders. It is, by far, the largest collecti

34.56 MB