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O Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem “COLABORAR”, tem por objetivo principal ser um espaço de construção do conhecimento, por meio do desenvolvimento de

2.2 MB

فن قراءة الأفكار هو من العلوم الحقيقية تعلمها من خلال التطبيق 1-مقدمة 2-كيف تتم قراءة الأفكار 3-قراءة الأفكار 4-تعلم خدع قراءة الأفكار 5-كيف أستطيع قر

3.56 MB

Tes IQ dan Kepribadian merupakan aplikasi android yang mengetes sifat, kepribadian dan IQ anda. Aplikasi ini berguna bagi anda yang ingin mengikuti te

17.66 MB

**** Встречайте на Android самый популярный Англо-Русский словарь AppStore с более чем 700.000 активными пользователями!!! ***** Содержит более 200.00

38.85 MB

Janam Kundali kundli horoscope matching kundali matching kundli in hindi kundli online kundli matching kundali in hindi marriage matching janam kundli

2.85 MB

Cerita rakyat ini berasal dari Jawa Barat. Dikisahkan tentang asal usul Gunung Tangkuban Perahu. Menurut cerita masyarakat, Gunung Tangkuban Perahu be

26.86 MB

All your needs for cracking Engineering Entrance Exams are answered right here! Extramarks IIT JEE is the best learning app for IIT JEE and other engi

50.5 MB

RETO SABER 11 es una aplicación de para prepárarte para los exámenes mientras interactuas con otros estudiantes

20.49 MB

*******************Kindly review & rate our application as its free ******************** The app is greatly designed to easily take test by student ,

15.32 MB

복잡한 방법은 NO! 손쉽게 육아 기록에 관한 모든 것을 아이의 하루를 통해 기록하세요 ● 아이 이야기 - 친숙한 사용자 인터페이스를 제공합니다 - 실시간으로 다른 사용자와 이야기를 나눠 보세요 ● 성장기록 (키, 몸무게, 체질량지수, 머리둘레) - 성장 패턴을 한눈에

16.05 MB

Find out drug doses in each category mentioned below 1)Emergency drugs 2)Analgesic Agents 3)Intravenous anesthetics 4)Inhalational Anesthetics 5)Depol

9.77 MB

Sky Map Live View - Star Tracker, Solar System is a perfect astronomy guide to explore what's the light in the sky? When can I see the ISS? What's the

11.99 MB

Please kindly RATE & SHARE this App as it is free :-) Like us on facebook : Follow us on Twitter : https://twit

9.35 MB

Electrical Symbols Electrical symbols are used to represent various electrical and electronic devices in a schematic diagram of an electrical or elect

2.15 MB

نظام السراج للمدرسة الألكترونية هو نظام تم انتاجه من قبل مركز الكفيل لتقنية المعلومات لغرض تسهيل و تطوير العملية التربوية من خلال استغلال التكنلوجيا ا

7.01 MB

Hindi Portuguese or Portuguese Hindi Translator Free is the most powerful translation tool on your Android. Translate any sentence or phrase into any

3.68 MB

Malay Chinese or Chinese Malay Translator Free is the most powerful translation tool on your Android. Translate any sentence or phrase into any destin

3.78 MB
Dz Bac 3.3.4

DzBac est une application de partage et d'entraide, elle vous permet au moins d'une minute de trouver les meilleurs résumés qui existent grâce à ses f

16.51 MB

Easily memorize Holy Quran through our intuitive and user friendly platform. We understand that just memorization is not enough , Therefore Easy Quran

7.36 MB

Instrumentation Tools Android App is the unique place for Instrumentation engineers worldwide who want to learn and study. We provide a variety of tec

3.95 MB