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Приложение содержит параллельные топики, диалоги, сказки и книги на русском и английском языках (билингвальные тексты) со встроенным словарём, который

9.59 MB

Приложение МедикТест создано для подготовки всех медицинских кадров, нуждающихся в прохождении аккредитации (Студентов медицинских ВУЗов, ординаторов,

31.72 MB

Calculator can draw approximately as graphing calculator ti 84: - Cartesian f(x) - Polar r(t) - Parametric x(t);y(t) - Implicit f(x,y) - Find approxim

14.57 MB

Japanese Study Do you want to study Japanese? If so, you should memorize the first Japanese characters. There is an app that allows you to memorize th

5.67 MB
Vula App 6.6

Your online classroom at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere! The Vula App, unaffiliated to its supported universities, enables seamless connection to

4.52 MB

Programming With Algorithms This app has - Search For any Programme, Where you any search any programme for you interview or preparation - C Programme

9.67 MB

每天3分鐘 日文如我從來沒學過 1個月也認識了50個日文單字 建議學習方法 每天多開2~3個單字 每天把以前背的+新單字跑過1~2遍即可 無壓力輕鬆學 --------------------- 如果想新增新課表 請給我們5顆星評價 並將想新增的內容"中文" "日文"文字檔寄到以下信箱 bobyan

35.2 MB

English Speaking Tips contains simple english speaking triks with english quiz. This app helps you to learn english speaking and grammer.

4.46 MB

Provides resistor value given its color code. Complete, including tolerance! There is a graphic interface to show 4, 5 and 6 color bands. If you want,

2.33 MB

English Czech Republic or Czech Republic English Translator Free is the most powerful translation tool on your Android. Translate any sentence or phra

2.76 MB

English Uzbek or Uzbek English Translator Free is the most powerful translation tool on your Android. Translate any sentence or phrase into any destin

2.77 MB

Hindi Arabic or Arabic Hindi Translator Free is the most powerful translation tool on your Android. Translate any sentence or phrase into any destinat

2.77 MB

Simple and easy to use Dictionary. Features: - English Arabic bidirectional translation - Used offline - Cross apps translation to translate from othe

37.07 MB

EC Dictionary is a fast, easy-to-use EC / CE offline dictionary, it's vocabulary ups to 200,000 and contains Pronunciations、Part of Speech、Reference s

19.23 MB

MathsMate Information Plus Solvers Free provides general mathematical information sheets plus a range of equations solvers/calculations in the maths f

7.37 MB
MyAgri 2.1.1

Aplikasi ubiqiotuous learning berbasis android untuk petani indonesia berkerjasama dengan BALITSA (Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran), Adapun konten ap

88.07 MB

The application includes a detailed guide including the 210 most common types of mushrooms, with detailed descriptions and quality photos. There is al

79.96 MB
MVA Portal 1.0.1

Minh Viet app helps parents to manage students in the school through: Student information, student schedule, subject grades, test scores ...

10.69 MB

--- Fun and Relaxing Learning Experience --- Let’s learn like playing games! Play cards, get experience points, beat the levels and collect new cards

38.02 MB

How To Use A Multimeter. This is the complete multimeter guide. You will learn How to check electronic components like capacitor, diode, resistor, coi

6 MB