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This application is the best way to improve your English Grammar at home, using anywhere.people to learn english grammar in the very simple Tamil lang

4.71 MB

English Grammar Test features: - NO internet connection required after install; - 1000 English grammar exercises; - 2000 English words; - 160+ English

10.09 MB

With the help of this app you can know each and every information like date and year, name ,country and many more information regarding discovery in h

3.54 MB

♣ Educational games based on STEAM education theory “Creativity School” is a educational game to develop creativity. While playing the game you will d

24.77 MB

¡Futuro Universitario! Ahora Sí Paso es una plataforma digital que te permite estudiar para tu examen de admisión a la universidad en México. Ya sea U

9.64 MB

⭐非常實用,不知不覺就可以增加詞彙數量一點一滴的累積字彙量,積沙成塔 ❤️因應廣大的期待,更新為臺灣使用者熟悉的KK音標! 你每天打開手機多少次? 一般人平均每天打開102次,解鎖50次。 如果說這每個瞬間都能學一個英語單詞,是不是一個月就能學會3000多個單字呢?'WordBit英語是在鎖屏時能學

51.53 MB

VISION IAS is India’s premier research and training institution for Civil Service aspirants with a mission to continuously innovate and help them actu

14.85 MB

O Positivo On Aluno é um aplicativo desenvolvido para alunos das escolas adotantes dos Sistemas de Ensino da Editora Positivo. Para acessar o aplicati

20.37 MB

Teach your kids to trace letters, numbers and shapes, even cursive. If the tracing is good, letter sound will be played in one of five different langu

15.91 MB
India GK 2.1.6

GK, GS, Daily Current affairs with Explanation, GK Science Complete Notes, 280+ Solved Old Exam Papers and 50000+ Questions for UPSC, SSC, Bank, GATE,

6.6 MB
HelloTalk 3.6.7

HelloTalk, the 1st global language and culture exchange community, connects you with native speakers of other languages(English, Japanese, Korean, Spa

68.9 MB

Emotional intelligence is a free psychology application which helps you learn and understand human psychology and also provide challenge with solving

14.82 MB

하얀 도화지에 색연필로 꾸미는 상상의 나래 유아교육사이트 '깨비키즈'에서 제공하는 8번째 애플리케이션 ☆☆깨비 색칠놀이☆☆ 깨비키즈 사이트(와 도서만을 활용하였던 그림 그리기 콘텐츠를 이제는 앱에서도 즐길 수 있어요. 현명한

31.42 MB

[지원 서비스] * 회원 전용 기능 - 모바일 수강 지원을 통해 언제 어디서든 강의 수강이 가능 - 출석, 진도율, 수강시간 등 e-Learning과 연동하여 PC와 동일하게 인정 - 현재 수강신청이 가능한 과정들에 대해 수강신청 기능

55.54 MB

토익시험, 토익 S&W 시험 접수 및 성적확인까지 ONE-STOP SERVICE!!!!!!! 토익&토익S&W 시험 일정/접수/성적확인/고사장 찾기까지 한번에 하고 싶으신 분 현재 위치를 기준으로 가장 가까운 YBM학원을 한번에 찾고 싶으신 분 YBM NET 어플리케이션

16.08 MB

English language teaching using the word reversible with translation and pronunciation Program to teach the English language with Arabic translation,

6.64 MB
Platzi 40.9

With Platzi for Android, learn whenever and wherever you want: take design, marketing and programming lessons taught by tech leaders. Simple and frien

29.66 MB

English to English Dictionary best free and Offline Are you looking for offline english Dictionary? There are lots of offline dictionaries. Lots of Di

18.76 MB

Learn english, german, french, russian arabic, spanish, italian, turkish,hebrew, greek, portuguese and more How is eLLC English Course working? No mor

23.89 MB

What if German vocabulary learning would be a crazy fun game instead of boring memorisation drills? Drops makes language learning an effortless fun.

28.89 MB