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Sapphire, Sapphire International in association with Edunext Technologies Pvt. Ltd. ( launched India's first ever A

20.46 MB

Welcome to the Adonai Church app! Download now for sermons, videos and upcoming events in Adonai Church. For more information, please visit: http://ad

21.05 MB
LINK Academy 2.6.6

LINK Academy Android application provides access to unique e-Learning platform for an entirely modern way of distance learning. Acquire IT expertise a

6.34 MB

International Maths Olympiad (IMO) Level 5 Maths * Chapter wise question coverage * Analytical, logical and reasoning quiz questions with answers * Se

10.53 MB

Learn most used words in Norwegian language , You can find more topics like : The family , The days , The colors , Restaurant and Eating , The weather

11.37 MB
Prevee 4.1.0

Aplicación para Padres de Familia y Alumnos, para mantenerse informados, dentro del modelo de prevención que ayuda en la detección y seguimiento de fa

23.1 MB

Welcome to Divine Life Church App. Enjoy content from Apostle Tony Wade and Pastor Felecia Wade The Divine Life Memphis App was created with the Subsp

21.24 MB
CrossFC 5.4.0

This app is packed with powerful content and resources to help you grow and stay connected. With this app you can: - Watch or listen to past messages

20.89 MB

The Muhammadan Way app is a comprehensive resource of Islamic information to have on all your mobile devices. It has been created for both Muslims and

33.25 MB

- This application display Tajweed matn of ( TuhfatAl Atfal , Al Gazaria and Al Shatbia ) depend on Tajweed subjects. - User can use program without c

26.13 MB
Juz Amma 3.14

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim ... An educational apps to help any muslim to learn how to read and easily memorize all surah in Juz Amma. This apps is combi

39.68 MB
ClassSend 1.3.2018.19

AVer is Revolutionizing Education through Technology™ with its ClassSend Student Engagement App. ClassSend lets students interact… AVer is Revolutioni

5.88 MB

Cette applicatication contient l'étape par étape chapitre pour apprendre les cours de manière facile chaque chapitre contiennent de nombreux autre cha

2.21 MB
Toveedo 2.8.0

The Jewish videos your kids love, all in one place. Each video series is full of learning, songs and adventure that children enjoy over and over.

11.99 MB

An easy & effective communication tool to upload all your day to day events, post photos , albums, videos, update notifications,announcements & parent

7.61 MB

Roman okumayı seviyor ama vaktiniz mi yetmiyor? 100 temel eserin ve pek çok romanın özeti mi lazım? LYS ve YGS ye hazırlanıyorsunuz ama romanları okum

4.6 MB

MensaSEK permite la comunicación del colegio directamente al celular de los padres, en tiempo real, mediante mensajes instantáneos. Es un canal de com

12.23 MB

Um líder é, antes de tudo, um ser humano. E suas qualidades e defeitos como ser humano – marcas de sua personalidade, de seus medos e de seus sonhos s

18.2 MB
Brainwave 7.7

You save paper, we save you money. Print subscription costs 720, digital 400 only. Science needs its students to be passionate and curious and these a

11.66 MB

Play, Learn and Speak – discover common phrases for daily Spanish conversation! ✔ 5,000 useful phrases for conversation. ✔ Learn Spanish in your tongu

48.43 MB