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Wisdom Guide 1.7.1

Wisdom Guide app for Program updates

9.05 MB

This App aims to help students of Mechanical Engineering from VTU to access notes and to keep a track of their classes with the timetable and Calendar

8.01 MB

طريقة بسيطة لحساب الكثافة الحقلية للتربة

1.59 MB

NAVKAR CLASSES is an online platform for managing data associated with its tutoring classes in the most efficient and transparent manner. It is a user

32.14 MB

NOW IS FREE! Flash Cards application is one of the most common methods of language teaching in the shortest time. The software on the mobile can incre

53.32 MB

Do you learn French? If your answer is affirmative, this application is made for you. More than 18 000 verb conjugation forms you can check with this

12.02 MB

You will not need to type the words by hand, you can only dictate with the microphone and the phone will convert your voice into sentences and words,

3.35 MB
Corq 1.5.2

Powered by Campus Labs® Engage, Corq helps you discover amazing events and groups around campus from your favorite mobile device. Corq pinpoints over

6.08 MB

Mobilní aplikace, ve které se můžete učit a procvičovat anglické fráze pro každodenní použití. Výuková metoda je postavena na principu inteligentního

5.78 MB
Anderson University, Indiana

The Anderson University app brings services to your fingertips and enables you to connect with classmates and friends. Access events, calendars, conta

9.98 MB
Manish J Koshti

Manish J Koshti is an online platform for managing data associated with its tutoring classes in the most efficient and transparent manner. It is a use

32.13 MB

Cuando hablamos de mascotas, en general casi siempre nos referimos a perros y gatos. Pero en esta aplicación "La salud de tu mascota-El cuidado de tu

4.81 MB
My Signing Time 6.000.1

Why teach your baby sign language? -Helps babies communicate before talking -Reduces frustration and tantrums -Increases bonding and connection -Early

21.29 MB

Mobile Safety was developed by the Safety, Security & Emergency Management department of Algonquin College. This app contains a wide set of resources

21.84 MB

This app will guide you through the new features of Microsoft Access to help you begin easily managing information with databases. Whether you are new

24.29 MB

Learn Brazilian Portuguese with free lessons daily. Let Mondly teach you the Brazilian Portuguese language quickly and effectively. In just minutes yo

36.9 MB

Welcome to the official Dwell Community Church app, a ministry of Xenos Christian Fellowship. We have thousands of Bible teachings as well as other in

50.68 MB

مقالات وكتب عديدة فى التنمية البشرية متجددة يومياً بالاضافة لتصفح موقع التنمية البشرية كل ذلك فى تطبيق واحد He wrote numerous articles on human deve

16.06 MB

With the Unitu app, join the conversation about your course, and make sure your suggestions, issues and questions get heard. You can do it anonymously

22.07 MB

Simulador de preguntas para el Examen de Ascenso y Cursos de Posgrado (conocimientos), para Oficiales y Suboficiales PNP de armas o de servicios, con

24.28 MB