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The AP World History exam replaces a college-level world history class, transferring the credits you gain in high school to your college record. In or

12.08 MB
uHandy 3.2.9

uHandy is a microscope that flips your typical perceptions you had of microscopes. uHandy cuts short the distance between microscope and people, bring

58.47 MB

An educational app that is both fun and promotes learning to young children. Kids can touch, hear, and experience counting, learning ABC, shapes, size

59.1 MB
Paradoks E-Dergi

Paradoks E-Dergi mobil uygulaması sizlerle. Peki bu uygulamayı değerli yapan nedir ? Paradoks E-Dergi uygulaması size ücretsiz bir deneyim sunar. İçer

23.47 MB

แอพทดสอบ และฝึกหัด การคาดเดาคำศัพท์ อังกฤษ ที่สร้างมาเพื่อให้เพื่อนๆ ได้ทดสอบความจำ มากกว่า 1500 คำ ว่าจะสามารถจำคำศัพท์ อังกฤษ ได้มากน้อยแค่ไหน เพื่อ

7.47 MB

تطبيق تعلم من خمسات تطبيق يحتوي على اهم المعلومات عن موقع خمسات الشهر والذي يعرض فيه خدمات بخمسات حمل الان تطبيق تعلم من خمسات Learning application

3.95 MB

Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim is a collection of hadīth compiled by Imām Muslim ibn al-Hajjāj al-Naysāburi(rahimahullāh). His collection is considered to be one of the

8.89 MB
Post University

The Post University App brings campus to your fingertips and enables you to connect with the Post community: Stay on top of your events, classes, and

9.77 MB

Colic is a frustrating condition marked by predictable periods of significant distress in an otherwise well-fed, healthy baby. Baby Colic also known a

2.62 MB

La app de la Escuela Infantil Integral Dalila ayuda a los profesores a mantener informadas a las familias del día a día de sus hijos en la escuela.

3.28 MB

The National Strength and Conditioning Association’s Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (NSCA CSCS®) exam is much more focused than the ce

14.54 MB

휴넷에서 제공하는 현대백화점그룹의 스마트캠퍼스 모바일 앱입니다. PC환경의 스마트캠퍼스(의 아이디와 비밀번호로 로그인가능하며, 교육과정 신청, 상상마루 연수원 학습 및 나의강의실 학습 등 서비스를 본 모바일 앱에서도 사용하실 수 있습니다

32.27 MB
Learn German 2.0.3

Learn German is a free application that allows you to learn German quickly and efficiently. -Practice reading, speaking, listening and writing. The ap

59.4 MB

PLEASE READ THIS: Due to a million of different android devices with custom Android OS and a lot of languages that I don't know of course and etc., I

43.33 MB

Review with a name you trust! UWorld is the leader in online medical question banks (Qbank) with over 90% of medical students and residents using UWor

22.96 MB

One of the six most authentic collections of the Ahadith (Sahih al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sahih al-Tirmidhi, Sunan Ibn Majah, Sunan Abu Dawud, and Sah

7.88 MB

School Unique Parent App for all registered Schools School Unique Parent App helps Parents to keep track of their Kid's Attendance, Daily diary, Class

6.84 MB

This App helps you teach yourself the basic German in Tigrinya language

11.11 MB

انجح الوصفات بمقادير متوازنة واعداد مبسط مع الشيف نادية The most successful recipes and prepare balanced amounts simplified with Chef Nadia

16.01 MB

전세계 157개국 5000만명의 인구가 수련하고 있는 우리의태권도! 우리의 자랑스런 문화 유산이며 2000년 시드니올림픽 정식종목을 계기로 스포츠화된 태권도! 인터넷시대를 맞이하여 용인대 백암正道태권도장에서는 홈페이지어플을 신설하여 보다 빠른 태권도장 소식과 타 도장과

4.55 MB