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대림대학교 내에서 사용 할 수 있는 스마트캠퍼스 앱입니다. 모바일 전자출결 앱을 활용하여 학생은 시간표를 토대로 강의 출석을 하실 수 있으며, 교수님은 출결 관리를 하실 수 있습니다. 대림대학교 학사 정보 시스템 로그인 계정을 그대로 사용하여 로그인 하실 수 있습니다.

8.08 MB

「勉強時間管理」は勉強の計画を立て、勉強した時間を記録し、グラフに表示するアプリです。 勉強することにより消えていくウィジェットの勉強予定、勉強時時間を記録するのに便利なタイマー、ストップウォッチ、様々な観点で勉強の成果を確認できるグラフと集計表。他の人頑張っている様子がわかるTwitterへのつぶ

7.91 MB

See with your ears! The vOICe for Android maps live camera views to soundscapes, offering augmented reality and unprecedented visual detail for the to

13.98 MB

English Amharic or Amharic English Translator Free is the most powerful translation tool on your Android. Translate any sentence or phrase into any de

4.6 MB
Cloud Campus 1.2.1

"Cloud Campus" is a content viewing APPs dedicated to the online education platform "Cloud Campus.” "Cloud Campus" is provided as SaaS (Service as a S

10.13 MB

Want to learn basic Japanese? Let's start from learning Japanese alphabet. If you looking for practice hiragana or katakana remember memory, this appl

26.46 MB

Welcome to the Grace Bible Church App. Download sermons, study notes, find out about upcoming events - and more! And once you've enjoyed it, you can s

54.88 MB
Darisni 1.6.32

Darisni is used to easily connect teachers with students to clarify and answer their questions through posting or uploading the problem then rating th

74.34 MB

This app contains both the Synonym and Antonym for a particular word.With this App learning synonym and antonym becomes easier. Synonyms are words tha

13.76 MB
School Gateway 2.27.12

School Gateway, the easiest way to interact with your child’s life at school. Designed to support schools in achieving outstanding parental engagement

9.53 MB

Grade multiple choice tests, quizzes, and assessment papers by using your phone's or tablet's camera as a grading scanner. It can also read over-writt

17.44 MB

Welcome to the official Movement Church app! Here you'll find everything from past sermons to sign up forms, and upcoming events. Be sure to share the

54.74 MB

Do you want to start singing? Do you have little or no singing experience? Then this app is meant for you! - Simple and intuitive interface. - Interac

70.11 MB

The World Heritage Sites are places of importance of cultural or natural heritage as described in the UNESCO World Heritage Convention, established in

8.26 MB
Formulia 4.1

Formulia es una aplicación creada para estudiantes de nivel secundaria hasta universidad más enfocados al área de ingeniería. Su objetivo es brindar l

13.91 MB
World MAP 5.12.0

If Jesus is your savior and you preach and teach from the Bible, this app will help provide you with FREE biblical ministry training that can easily b

54.67 MB

Welcome to the official Word of God Ministries app! Word of God Ministries, Inc. is a Bible-based, multi-ethnic, Christ-centered Ministry based in Shr

54.66 MB

The House of Prayer is a non-denominational church, located in Clarksville, VA. Our goal is create a welcoming worship environment to every person, re

54.85 MB

Welcome to the official Life At Cornerstone application. With this free resource you can listen to past messages, see upcoming events, follow along wi

54.66 MB
Dominion TV 5.12.0

You're watching Dominion TV, Streaming 24/7 The uncompromising Word of Faith and Kingdom Teaching from some of the most prolific ministries around the

55.09 MB