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The Wildfire Analyst™ Pocket Edition is a Mobile Wildland Fire Calculator that enables the wildland firefighter community with operational fire behavi

130.05 MB

Winner of the Mom's Choice Awards for being among the best in family-friendly media, products and services! Are you a parent of a child using Prodigy

33.99 MB

bir birinden farkli her bir hikaye de öğüt ve ders alacaginiz dini hikayeler. Each different story is a religious story from which you will receive

7.36 MB

「単語を制すものは英語を制す」をコンセプトに、このアプリを作りました。 高校入試の場面では、文法やリスニングも求められますが、とにかく単語を知ってれば有利というのは間違いないでしょう。 つまり単語力=英語力といっても過言ではないのです。 このアプリには高校受験で頻出の英単語が、レベル別に1500単語

63.2 MB

تطبيق دعاء فك الكرب والهم والفرج. يحتوي هذا التطبيق على دعاء فكً الكرب والهم والحزن والضيق mp3. و دعاء لفك الكرب والهموم مكتوب نص، ودعاء الفرج صوتي وم

33.41 MB

★ 必ず身につく!忘却曲線に基づいた復習; ★ 中学・高校必須単語から大学受験までを完全網羅。 ★ 定期テスト・高校入試・大学受験対策はもちろん、基礎英語の復習をしたい人は本アプリ。 ◉学生必修英語に特化した教材 過去問で頻出した英単語・英熟語のボキャブラリーはこれでバッチリ。英語を得意科目にして、

71.72 MB

Mega Chess Academy is the all-in-one school management software between parents, students, teachers and centre owners for any kinds of lessons and cla

10.68 MB

★soundpocket レッスンで出てくる歌・語彙・対話文を見て聞いて確認できる教材です。繰り返しの学習で定着は確実です! ★iAOD 実際のレッスンを体感できる動画教材です。対面型レッスンと同じように先生について繰り返し発話をすることで会話力が身についていきます。 ★amityFirstPlay

2.69 MB
VAS Teacher 2.0.6

VAS Teacher Messaging App will provide a messaging tool to encourage active communication between teachers and VAS parents. • Specifically created for

46.13 MB

O aplicativo Maple Bear Vila Mascote Tellme School é uma agenda escolar diária eletrônica otimizada em forma de aplicativo onde os alunos/responsáveis

19.77 MB

Study what matters for CLAT and ace your CLAT exam That’s right! From providing ‘study material' to 'analyzing your progress' and 'solving your doubts

21.98 MB

DLN Institute is your trusted platform for online learning and education in Entrepreneurship. Learn new skills from top Entrepreneurs and businessmen.

4.19 MB

Dhyan Vimal’s Online Meditation offers you a rare opportunity to participate in live meditations with an enlightened Master from wherever you are. Whe

11.28 MB

English Sundanese Bi-directional Dictionary. You can use this offline dictionary as learning tool. Browse words like a real dictionary, search in Eng

9.59 MB

Geoscan Jump - это приложение для учебного квадрокоптера Пионер Мини. Расширенная инструкция для настройки Пионера Мини - https://pioneer-doc.readthed

13.72 MB
SmartSApp 3.11.0

SmartSapp caters to the current child-security lapses in schools and gives parents more control to ensure it.

45.25 MB

Learn4D365 Mobile is the perfect companion for delivering mobile, online/offline learning for Dynamics 365. This app requires an active Learn4D365 acc

8.46 MB

Analytical Edupoint is an online platform for managing data associated with its tutoring classes in the most efficient and transparent manner. It is a

102.86 MB

Образовательная платформа №1 в России* — теперь на смартфонах! Ваш ребенок полюбит заниматься: веселые персонажи объясняют сложные темы, а умная систе

9.72 MB

Geliştirdiği uygulama avantajlarıyla eğitim teknolojilerinde üstünlük sağlayan Sadık Uygun Yayınları, öğrenim hayatında işini kolaylaştırmak için büyü

15.08 MB