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Full English book teacher guide. beautiful English book for Nepali teacher teachers. Read a book online like a real book. flipbook helps the teacher t

11.42 MB

★'한국장학재단 원클릭신청' 앱이 '한국장학재단 앱'으로 변경되었습니다!★ (기존) 한국장학재단 원클릭신청 앱 --> (변경) 한국장학재단 앱 (기존) 한국장학재단 앱 --> (변경) 한국장학재단 대학생 연합생활관 앱 이제 모바일 앱으로 편리하게 국가장학금, 학자금대출

24.73 MB

Ruangguru is your one-stop learning solution app! Watch learning videos, take practice exercises, and review course summaries in ruangbelajar Highly q

139.32 MB
Lakeland College

Lakeland is the official campus app for current Lakeland College students. Access your Lakeland College news, events, calendars, clubs, social media,

5.75 MB

Adventist Toolbox is for every Adventist! Adventist Toolbox does not own or claim any materials being compiled in this app. What is available online w

62.06 MB

Beautiful application that has a simple to follow guide about salat tasbih namaz

8.68 MB

A great application to learn Italian Language for all levels, starting with the level A1 and ending with the level C2 through the levels A2, B1, B2, C

7.53 MB
Nagwa Chat 1.9.5

Nagwa Chat is a brilliant application that facilitates communication between students and their educator, allowing class members to share questions, i

15.13 MB
mKool 6.1.3

mKool is the eKool official app for Android and IOS smartphones. mKool collects all student´s study information and provides a quick, simple overview

32.32 MB

This is the app for people who want to solve the world’s biggest challenges by learning about issues, taking action, and joining the growing movement

25.58 MB

يسعدنا ان نرحب بكم في تطبيق دعاء لزوجتي. يحتوى تطبيق دعاء لزوجتي على اجدد دعاء لزوجتي واولادي وعلى اجمل دعاء لزوجتي بالشفاء وكذلك على دعاء لزوجتي حبيب

35.07 MB

Give your child the best conditions to succeed at school with Albert Teen's smart exercises and lessons! Surely it can be difficult to be a good suppo

31.67 MB
InfixEdu 2.4.5

Infix - 100+ unique featured multi-uses and user-friendly and mostly the latest UI based School Management software system. Well documented, full-feat

10.02 MB
Target Plus

Target Plus is an online platform for managing data associated with its tutoring classes in the most efficient and transparent manner. It is a user-fr

117.8 MB

التطبيق يقوم بشرح متن تحفة الاطفال للشيخ الجمزورى رحمه الله ماخوذ من كتاب الشيخ الشوبكى رحمه الله

6.02 MB

慶應義塾大学通信教育課程の学生の方が、テキストの閲覧のために利用いただけるアプリです。 配本済みテキストの閲覧が可能です。 このアプリは、教育的利用を目的として、利用者個人を特定せずにテキストの閲覧状況を記録する機能を有しています。

12.98 MB

ওমরা হলো শরীয়ত নির্দেশিত বিশেষ পদ্ধতিতে বাইতুল্লাহর জিয়ারত করা। বিশেষ পদ্ধতিটি হল, ইহরাম, তালবিয়া, ক্বা’বা শরীরে চর্তুদিকে তাওয়াফ করা, সাফা ও মারওয়া’র

4.49 MB

تطبيق غراس وفر لك خبراء تربويون لمتابعة أبنائك دراسيا وتربويا؛ معلمون ومعلمات على قدر من السعة والاطلاع والتخصص في تربية الأطفال، يجيدون فن التعامل مع

24.03 MB
CJMA 2.0.4

A school management system for staff, students & parents of students of Charles Jow Memorial Academy, The Gambia. Core features of the system include:

5.4 MB

"Learn Japanese" to quickly learn Japanese daily vocabulary and daily phrases, simple and practical, let you easily communicate with foreigners The ma

38.35 MB