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আজ আপনাদের জন্য থাকছে ত্রিকোনোমিতির অংক করার শর্টকাট টেকনিক। অনেকের কাছেই ত্রিকোনোমিতি কঠিন মনে হয় , কিন্তু কিছু টেকনিক ফলো করলে অতি সহজেই আপনি ত্রিকো

2.21 MB

bcs math preparation mcq is math mcq type app .Our app consist of more than 500+ important and exclusive math / gonith mcq question & solution .We mad

5.03 MB

The official San Juan Unified School Dist. app gives you a personalized window into what is happening at the district and schools. Get the news and in

9.59 MB is an exclusive site for Online Mock Test practice for all levels of Government Recruitment Exams, Professional Entrance exams.

22.3 MB

Programming c in Bangla C প্রোগ্রামিং ল্যাংগুয়েজের ধারাবাহিক টিউটোরিয়াল ll সূচিপত্র ===== শুরুর আগে প্রথম প্রোগ্রাম ডাটা টাইপ, ইনপুট ও আউটপুট কন্ডিশ

3.47 MB

사랑하는 아이들의 창의력과 집중력 그리고 그림실력까지 한번에!! 스스로 완성한 동화를 함께 읽고, 듣고, 그리는 어린이 색칠공부어플!! 아이들이 완성한 동화책을 부모님께서 읽어주시면서 녹음해 주시면 아이들이 동화를 다시 읽을 때마다 부모님의 사랑을 다시 느낄 수 있습니

16.86 MB

사랑하는 아이들의 창의력과 집중력 그리고 그림실력까지 한번에!! 스스로 완성한 동화를 함께 읽고, 듣고, 그리는 어린이 색칠공부어플!! 아이들이 완성한 동화책을 부모님께서 읽어주시면서 녹음해 주시면 아이들이 동화를 다시 읽을 때마다 부모님의 사랑을 다시 느낄 수 있습니

17.24 MB

Parts of speech is fundamental in English grammar. This parts of speech app will guide you correct usage of noun adjective adverb and verb form of wor

1.63 MB

یک برنامه آموزشی و کم حجم مخصوص گوشی های اندروید یکی از کاربردی‌ترین برنامه‌های آموزش پیانو در دستان شماست. استفاده از این برنامه آسان است. برترین نت

2.77 MB

Learn how to draw Boboiboy and friends characters. Pick from our list and see the step by step Boboiboy and friends characters and see how to easily d

5.68 MB

বাংলায় সি প্রোগ্রামিং শেখার জন্য বই এর অ্যাপ ভার্সন। সহজেই C Programming শেখার জন্য এবং ইন্টারনেট ছাড়াই প্রোগ্রামিং শেখার জন্য সি প্রোগ্রামিং বইটির

3.32 MB

Welcome to Bangladeshism School of Film & Photography by Bangladeshism Project. Here you will find tutorials about 1. Photography 2. Cinematography 3.

5.01 MB
SSC QnA 1.01

SSC QnA app provides Question Papers with Solutions of previous year Board Exam. This app will helps all the students pursuing X Standard to practice

8.2 MB

まず、発音練習では、動画を見ながら、中国語の4つの声調をはじめ、母音や子音などの基本となる発音を練習しましょう。録音、再生機能も付いているので、お手本の発音と自分の発音を聞き比べたり、チェックすることができますよ。 次に、各課の音読練習では、動画を見ながら、リピーティングとシャドーィングをしましょう

12.18 MB

Welcome to CBSE Class VII Maths Book. This Book consists of 15 Chapters 1. Integers 2. Fractions and Decimals 3. Data Handling 4. Simple Equations 5.

2.24 MB
MakerClub 1.1.0

MakerClub allow you to 3D print, build and program your own inventions. This app connects via bluetooth to our MakerConnect board, which is then progr

8.26 MB

assalamualaikum wr.wb BoBoiBoy adalah Serial animasi ini menceritakan tentang seorang anak yang memiliki kekuatan luar biasa untuk menghadapi makhluk

4.85 MB

All Board Papers up to date solved. Contains everything needed for SSC and HSC board exam preparation. All the best from Omtex Classes for your Up com

2.56 MB

Ict mcq apps for h.s.c / intermediate examiner -2020 . About 700+ important ict mcq question included our apps from ict book .So we believe student of

5.11 MB

The M. Sc. (Information Technology) known as MSc (IT) at GLS University is a full time, two year course, intended for students who are seeking a profe

4.76 MB