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eA Lehrer 1.0.1

Persönlicher elektronischer Assistent, der allen Beteiligten im Ausbildungsprozess (LehrerInnen, SchülerInnen, Eltern und Schule) hilft, damit sie so

3.96 MB
Agile Box 1.1

Hello, fellow scrum masters and agile enthusiast time to open Agile Box. Agile box app is a simple way to learn about agile on the fly. This app will

6.35 MB

Discover more than 200,000 Archaeological and Historic sites with the free ARCHI Discover Archaeology (diggR) App. Find out a wealth of local heritage

3.48 MB
AtomAR 1.0.1

AtomAR, an educational app offers you a new and fun way to experience Augmented Reality and learn about Atoms, Chemical Elements and molecules.With ch

24.63 MB

Embark on a journey across the world and through time in augmented reality with the Archaeology ActiveLens app. Designed to work with the Archaeology

36.64 MB

An application created for a course at the University of Texas, showcasing computer vision using the device's camera. The app uses OpenCV to do image

26.7 MB
Aladdin 4.0.9

Immerse yourself in rich language and easily learn Chinese, in an entertaining way. All you have to do is download this app. You’ll enjoy reading this

16.81 MB

For those of you who want to learn Agile Testing and want to find the right tutorial. You should try this app. Inside Learn Agile Testing Offline app

3.01 MB

Agile is a software development methodology to build a software incrementally using short iterations of 1 to 4 weeks so that the development is aligne

1.84 MB

Yds ingilizce sınavlarına hazırlananların ve ingilizce öğrenmek isteyenlerin öncelikle bilmesi gereken 1000 kelime den oluşan bir uygulamadır

887.42 KB

Discover the ten UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. These are unique in the world. They tell the special story of water ma

10.84 MB

UNESCO presents IHU International Handbook of Universities WHED World Higher Education Database // Portable Version offline Visit our site www.unesco.

88.32 MB

Documentation and playground for the react-native-interactable library used to create fluid user interactions in React Native. The async nature of the

8.85 MB
Evalua-T 1.59

Simulador de exámenes para certificarse como Scrum Master.

3.39 MB
Scrum app 1.0.3

Exam preparation for Scrum Master's certification

2.2 MB

개방과 참여, 공유의 유비쿼터스 개념을 도입한 Reality O2O 시스템. 나만의 시스템, 공유경제시스템이 구현된 컨텐츠 유통 Platform. 다양한 컨테츠를 영상으로 서비스(V-commerce)하는 1인 미디어방송 나만의 MINE !!!. Anytime, Anyw

61.16 MB

Thanks for viewing this app. Bangladesh Govt. announced to receive Passport application online. By using this app, you can learn How to apply for pass

2.38 MB

The "Smart Timetable" is designed to be quick to set up and use. You can save information like the room of your subject or your teacher. The app also

1.94 MB

قم بتعليم اطفالك اللغة الانجليزية بكل بساطة مع هذا التطبيق الذى يحتوى على عدد كبير من التدريبات و المميزات 1- تعليم الطفل جميع الحروف الانجليزية و كلم

4.42 MB

Каждый день тысячи студентов и школьников ищут ответы на волнующие их вопросы по Управленческому учету, ставят лайки самым полезным из них, комментиру

3.75 MB