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Anmerkung: Zur Nutzung der App benötigen Sie eine funktionstüchtige KenCube Intranet Installation - Details dazu siehe Mit KenCube kön

2.28 MB

SoePay is Hong Kong's first PCI CPoC™ certified tap-on-phone application (accept card payments directly on your phone, also called SoftPOS technology)

23.2 MB

Com o Portal Bom Staraqui você pode consultar o seu espelho ponto, holerite, informe de rendimentos, realizar treinamentos online, consultar seu cadas

4.59 MB

Salesflow is a simple CRM system with which representatives can organize their work well. Salesflow makes the interaction with customer, manager and o

25.55 MB

Real Free Visitors To Your Website Or Affiliate Link With Advertise Free Traffic Exchange Boost Your Traffic And Sales.

5.03 MB
PHUP Navi 1.8k

PHUP Navi jest aplikacją wspomagającą proces dostaw towaru, dedykowana dla hurtowni, które chcą w prosty, przejrzysty i szybki sposób zarządzać oraz m

6.55 MB
Zenin 3.14.4

Need a Massage? Zenin delivers Australia’s top massage therapists direct to your doorstep within as little as one hour. Zenin connects you with a rang

61.04 MB

CONFORMiT® Control: Critical Risk Management is an easy-to-use mobile application that enables the verification of critical risk control measures in r

25.91 MB

Приложение позволяет автоматизировать взаимодействие между поставщиками и торговыми точками/ресторанами. А именно: * просмотреть каталог поставщика с

46.44 MB
الرشيدي 573.0.0

الرشيدي تطبيق التسديد والدفع الالكتروني والخدمات المتنوعه يعمل التطبيق على توفير بيئه عمل تفاعليه للعميل حيث يمكنه من متابعه كل ماهو جديد في المجال من

2.88 MB

T24 Support and Solutions is a renowned software product development company having extensive experience in the domain. We have successfully designed

1.43 MB

守成クラブ運営システム「SOS」専用の例会参加申込みアプリです。守成クラブ運営システムを利用している会場の会員の方は、参加申込みを行うことができます。 当システムと契約を希望する場合は、デベロッパサイトのお問い合わせページよりお申し込みください。 It is a regular meeting

4.56 MB

Tạo chatbot với fchat giúp bạn X3 Doanh số, tiết kiệm tiền quảng cáo, Bán hàng tự động và chăm sóc khách hàng 24/7 Create a chatbot with fchat to he

11.54 MB

our approach is to thoroughly understand customer needs and provide required services in the most efficient ways. we thinks through from the inception

12.21 MB
Bintaro Jaya 8.6.8

- Get access to digitized project sales kit - View consolidated inventory status - View detailed unit level updated information - Share project conten

15.29 MB

Paybox Job - Search job with paybox app, Avail thousand of online work, work from home jobs & earn money online by find work in this app. Are you a fr

11.56 MB

OnPhone makes it possible to have different phone numbers for your personal and business needs without an extra SIM, as well as call and text internat

63.67 MB

Join our marketplace and get exclusive access, plus be the first to know about upcoming offerings. Member benefits includes (1) Unlimited access to ou

23.29 MB

eBiznes nga Vodafone është një zgjidhje dixhitale mobile POS (point-of-sale) e cila shërben si kasë dixhitale duke berë deklarimet e shitjeve në kohë

19.11 MB – крупнейшая русскоязычная фриланс биржа! Найдите талантливых исполнителей на любое задание. Опубликуйте бесплатный проект и выбирайте среди мил

9 MB