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【アプリの概要】  小学館 中日・日中辞典 公式アプリ|ビッグローブ辞書は、類書を圧倒する親字1万3500、語数10万、用例9万の「中日辞典」と、日本最大・最詳の収録項目数9万、用例15万の「日中辞典」に、書籍にはない約1万6,000のネイティブ音声をセットにしたオフライン電子辞書アプリです。 書籍

10.19 MB

 大辞林アプリは、「紙の辞書の感覚」と「電子辞書の機能」を融合したGoogle Playのベストセラー国語辞典アプリです。  iPhone・iPad版は、App Storeおすすめベスト新着Appに選ばれました。 ウィズダム英和・和英辞典(61%OFF)/リーダーズ英和辞典 3版&プラスセットがお薦

13.38 MB

 クラウン独和辞典 第4版 公式アプリは、Google playのベストセラー独和辞典アプリです。 学習独和辞典の最高峰として、高度な水準と易しい解説が定評であり、「新正書法」による表記を採り入れた日本で最初の独和辞典を収録しています。  書籍+CD 4,536円→アプリ3,200円(書籍の29%O

4.35 MB

☆A recommended dictionary by ELLAK(The English Language & Literature Association of Korea)! ☆Contents Features ★★★★★ -Includes maximum number of vocab

27.43 MB

★Special discount★ KRW 25,900 -> KRW 19,900 ★★New DioDict 4, Quick Search Enabled Electronic Dictionary, Now Available★★ The complete DioDict English

8.26 MB

▶▶ The first in dictionary Apps! YBM ALL in ALL English-Korean-English Plus Dictionary containing Random House Webster’s College Dictionary ▶▶ The fir

17.78 MB

A sing-along songbook with more than 100 interactive elements in 3 songs and the little fox music studio! Brought to you by the team that created the

10.31 MB

Upgrade to the Premium Edition of this popular ebook reader. Features available in this premium version: * Google/Yandex Translate integration * Built

11.62 MB

Night Sky Pro™ is the ultimate stargazing experience. Just point your device to the sky to identify stars, planets, constellations and even satellites

50.52 MB

Prepare for JAIIB certification with this handy app containing over 2670 questions across the three JAIIB subjects. Take timed tests in convenient chu

7.63 MB
iQuran 2.5.4

******************************************** ** NEWS ** ** iQuran will now be sold for a fraction of its original price, down to $1.99 from $6.99. Ins

29.32 MB
SB Nation 1.1.1

2.47 MB
GWiki 0.3.3

GWiki is a simple and effictive Wikipedia client,which is faster than the browser. GWiki can present all of the Wikipedia's articles very well.Featur

1.16 MB
萌典 5.5.3

» 收錄十六萬筆國語、兩萬筆台語、一萬四千筆客語條目,以及常用字的筆順動畫,不需網路連線即可檢閱。 » 有網路連線時可播放國語常用條目、台語及客語條目名稱的真人發音。 » 定義裡的每個字詞都可以輕按連到說明。 » 萌典線上版網址: » 字典來源為教育部

41.96 MB
TerraTime 4.3

Visually stunning real-time virtual Earth. Fed by satellite imagery to display day/night, clouds, seasons, sun, moon and more. Day/night clock (with w

9.56 MB
樂天Kobo 7.1.20708

全球百萬名讀者愛用樂天 Kobo!立刻一起加入愛用者行列吧,只要輕點手指即可探索超過 500 萬本電子書!透過 Kobo 閱讀應用程式您可以瀏覽樂天 Kobo 豐富藏書 (全球暢銷電子書、漫畫和童書),只要開啟智慧型手機或平板電腦即可輕鬆啟動您的閱讀生活。還能透過作者、書名、主題或類型搜尋下一本優質

43.24 MB

This is a guitar chord finder for beginners.GChord is not an application that displays all the chord diagrams. Each chord shows four registered patte

1.09 MB
Dict Aide 0.35b

Note: This app is stable enough to use but still in beta. Bugs will be gradually fixed and more features will be added. Please be patient and don't ra

2.95 MB

Do you find it is difficult to look up a word in dictionary in android? Basically, you need to copy the word from your app. launch the dictionary app,

7.96 MB

****** Marshmallow users getting "Screen overlay detected" message please see solution at the bottom ******This light weight and elegantly designed ap

6.24 MB