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Chaupai Sahib or Benti Chaupai Sahib, is a hymn by Guru Gobind Singh. Many Sikhs recite this Bani to gain spiritual safety and defense from external a

1.98 MB

Счастливые шаги под дождем, Вилла Аркадия, Где живёт счастье, Корабль невест, Серебристая бухта, Ночная музыка, Танцующая с лошадьми, Последнее письмо

12.49 MB

This APP will give you the real experience of Holy Quran reading. Learn easy Quran urdu translation in less time. Offline version of Quran APP will al

31.14 MB

Get your free dramatized KJV audio Bible and enjoy the fullness of the Holy Bible.Free Audio Bible Dramatized - KJV with free motivational daily verse

20.28 MB

Bedtime Stories for children, ages 3 and above, encourage your children for reading them before bedtime to take advantage of them and have fun and lea

4.39 MB

* 最全的小說閱讀app,免費閱讀。有玄幻,武俠,都市,軍事,科幻,言情,純愛,遊戲競技等各式各樣的小說不下一百萬本,熱門書籍一網打盡! * 全部免費的小說app。 * 正體字,簡體字可以自由切換! * 多種翻頁管道,支持夜間和日間模式,緩存離線小說。 * 支持EPUB和TXT格式,隨心個性化專屬閱

7.44 MB

تحفة العروس للمتزوجين - من الكتاب والسنة النبوية الشريفة الكتاب كامل بدون انترنت المؤلف : محمود مهدي الإستانبولي. نبذة عن الكتاب : جاء نشر هذا الكتاب

3.8 MB

PQRecipe (Pokemon Quest Recipe) is an unofficial app for Pokemon Quest. FEATURES - Complete Pokedex of all 151 mons within Pokemon Quest - Full Recipe

10.76 MB

Doa tahlil bisa di bacakan setelah sholat atau ketika berziarah kubur atau setelah membaca surat yasin. Seperti yang kita tahu doa ini selalu di baca

7.69 MB

In this app, there are some useful tips that can help you play Fortcraft games. It is perfect for beginners and intermediate players. Have fun. Downlo

3.45 MB

This application contains a basic guide of using Opera Unlimited VPN in your pc. Free Guide for Opera Unlimited VPN will teach you know about secure v

2.42 MB

Telugu Bible is Free, Offline Bible App. Features: It's free . Verses can be shared on image, Colored bookmarks. Can find near by church locations. Da

6.88 MB

Poemia is the app of art that provides you with sharing own poems as fast as and free and allowing other people to read your poetry. Poems and Poets a

9.88 MB

Myco free contains information about 50 types of mushrooms, with zoomable image. Data is structured by occurence, characteristics, edibility and possi

25.17 MB

Walisongo adalah para wali yang pertama kali menyebarkan syiar islam di indonesia, mereka pertama kali datang tiba di pulau jawa. dan mulai mendakwahk

3.17 MB

Неофициальный клиент для сайта Встроенная читалка, загрузка в формате fb2, pdf, epub. Запоминает последнюю страницу. Возможность зайти под

5.73 MB

Daya kemampuan di luar indera penglihatan mata fisik kita yang terbatas, kita masih di bekali daya penglihatan batin atau mata batin atau indera ke en

3.52 MB

Webster's New World Dictionary and Thesaurus is a software bundle of the Webster’s New World College Dictionary and the Webster’s New World Roget’s Th

7.44 MB

This is the classic French equivalent of the English King James Version. The Louis Segond Bible or LSG Bible was published in 1910 by Alliance Bibliqu

6.18 MB

The application offers access to the LEO dictionaries, language courses and Survival Kits as well as the vocabulary trainer and forums.Dictionaries LE

5.48 MB