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古诗文 1.2.8


13.72 MB
豆瓣阅读 5.10.2

[内容提要] - 高质量的数字阅读 -「极客公园」最佳电子商务应用奖 - 五千部图书作品,无需登录即可试读 - 精心设计的阅读界面和排版样式 - 精彩纷呈的读者沙龙,千万读者参与[内置作品商店] -两千部原创作品,连岳、丁小云、和菜头、路内、李静睿、庄蝶庵等均有独家中短篇作品发布。 -

39.22 MB

应用介绍: 爱卡汽车(官方应用主要功能: 资讯:最新最丰富的汽车资讯,时刻掌握。 车型:最全最准确的车型信息,看图片、查报价、找4S店,最低价格触手可得。 论坛:随时随地逛论坛,与中国最资深的车友们尽情交流。 活动:签到领米、参与爱卡或网友策划的活动,各种惊喜等着你

36.7 MB

展示游戏Minecraft(我的世界)合成各种物品的合成方法,怪物介绍以及各种教程 包括了常用物品, 以及 建筑, 装饰, 染料, 食物, 照明, 矿石, 红石, 运输, 工具, 武器, 附魔, 药水和其他类别的合成动态图片 每个物品都有详细用途介绍哦

24.34 MB
BookShelf 1.5

This app is designed to manage physical books. Scan books' Barcode, and books will add to Bookshelf. You can record book information, reading status,

3.77 MB

[应用简介]: 随着中国社会的不断发展,人们对法律知识的需求会越来越多。“中国法律法规大全”APP可以让用户通过安卓手机随时随地阅读、学习、查找、翻阅几乎所有有效的中国法律法规条文。 该APP中的所有法律法规文件都放在了设备端,完全离线阅读,不受有无网络的限制。 [温馨提示]: 支持兰亭,宋体,楷体

37.81 MB

В приложении наиболее подробно описаны основные даты истории России начиная с 9 века, рассказано обо всех руководителях нашего государства и о проводи

72.31 MB

The application contains a description of quantum physics. The application includes a handy search.

30.55 MB

The application contains a description of psychological terms. The application includes a handy search.

27.39 MB
Ports 8.4.2

The appendix contains a description of the ports. As implemented in the application easy search.

54.58 MB
Minerals 8.4.2

The appendix contains a description of minerals. The application has an easy search.

45.67 MB

The appendix contains a description of the battles of World War II. The application includes a handy search.

75.98 MB

The application contains a description of literary terms. The application includes a handy search.

22.99 MB

The appendix contains a description of organic reactions. The application includes a handy search.

20.32 MB

The appendix contains a description of analytical chemistry. The application includes a handy search.

15.06 MB
Stadiums 8.4.2

The appendix contains a description of the stadiums. The application includes a handy search.

71.39 MB

The appendix contains a description of the stock exchanges. As implemented in the application easy search.

14.98 MB

The appendix contains a description of plant families. The application includes a handy search.

47.36 MB
Rifles 8.4.2

The appendix contains a description of rifles. As implemented in the application easy search.

16.61 MB
Passport 8.4.2

The appendix contains a description of passports. As implemented in the application easy search.

12.36 MB