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Mensagens e Frases Espíritas das Obras de Chico Xavier. Nova versão com imagens e fotografias! Spiritualists messages and phrases of Chico Xavier Wo

3.88 MB

With this application you will be able to study the Encounter series, Encounter 1, Encounter 2, Encounter 3 and Encounter 4, you can study daily or at

17.03 MB

This is Urdu - Chinese Simplified dictionary (اردو - چینی (آسان) ڈکشنری). The dictionary works offline, search is very fast, and the application has o

8.23 MB

A collection of quotes that is worth to be discovered. Here they are, the most inspirational quotes ever uttered, sure to stir you and get you moving

4.24 MB

Съновник - разтълкувайте сънищата си ! Богат пълен български съновник с изчерпателни тълкувания на сънищата. Съновник с 10.000 сънища Mysteries - in

3.63 MB

▣ 박완서 소설전집이란? 박완서 서거 1주기에 맞춰 생전에 작가가 직접 손봐온 유작 원고를 묶은 세트 『박완서 소설전집 결정판』. 2011년 10월 20일 작가의 팔순에 맞춰 출간할 예정이었던 기획으로, 원고를 다듬어나가던 작가가 담낭암으로 타계한 뒤 함께해온 기획위원

54.7 MB

Знаменитый исторический роман Марка Твена о Жанне д’Арк, которая в свои 17 лет смогла изменить судьбу всей Западной Европы. Юной девушке, ставшей глав

3.89 MB

В романе "Бен-Гур", созданном американским писателем Льюисом Уоллесом, генералом северян во время Гражданской войны в США в 1861—1865 годах, идет расс

3.36 MB

Каноническое изложение истории древнего Рима с момента возникновения города до создания империи Юлием Цезарем. Серия: Исторический роман Ищите другие

3.16 MB

Действие романа происходит во времена Отечественной войны 1812 г. В основе его лежит трагическая история отношений русского офицера Владимира Рославле

3.33 MB

Роман посвящен эпохе национально-освободительной борьбы русского народа против иноземных захватчиков в начале XVII века под руководством Минина и Пожа

3.22 MB
dtac PLearn 2.1.47

dtac PLearn application is the application designed for the members of dtac operator including more than 5,000 dtac employees. Members have to request

45.07 MB

Everything you need to know about the annual meeting right in your hand. Speaker Bios, Agenda, the list of sponsors and things to do in while you are

31.03 MB

Read God's Word on your phone or tablet. The Urdu Geo Version (UGV) is a modern Urdu translation of Kitab-i Muqaddas, also called the Holy Bible. In i

1.99 MB

Kamus bahasa Inggris - Indonesia dan Indonesia - Inggris yang didesain sesederhana mungkin untuk memudahkan para pemakainya dan juga bisa digunakan da

5.29 MB

Looking for being a pro player in totally battle accurate simulator tabs? are you looking for large informations and tips about this amazing tabs game

5.22 MB

Install the full the Shona and English Bible for both NIV & KJV right on your phone with stunning interface and beautiful animations. You can read bot

14.44 MB

আব্দুর রাজ্জাক বিন ইউসুফ কর্তৃক লেখা “তাফসীর কি মিথ্যা হতে পারে?” গ্রন্থটি থেকে আপনি জানতে পারবেন এই দেশের Tafsir কতটা জাল ও যঈফ হাদীছ এবং বানওয়াট কা

22.77 MB

The application makes easy to find out suras from the 15 lines hefz quran sharif. The application includes sura index, para index, goto page, bookmark

63.84 MB

Join the largest free book search engine and download Books More than 10 million of books, free books and download from the encyclopedia in a seamless

6.93 MB