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"Энциклопедия эфирных масел" - практичное и простое в использовании приложение, которое будет полезно всем, кто интересуется эфирными маслами: как нов

10.65 MB

Удобный офлайн словарь, доступный для вас в любой момент! При первом запуске приложения база данных будет распаковывана в телефон. С помощью этого сло

19.18 MB

L'apéro dînatoire facile, c'est la solution : pas de stress, très convivial, pas de nappe, une petite pile d'assiettes dans un coin, on prépare un peu

8.95 MB

10000+ quotes and sayings about life and love with pictures. Lots of Status Messages and Proverbs. Get inspired everyday with famous quotes about life

5.55 MB

"Fortress of the Muslim" in English. Made based on the book "Fortress of the Muslim", author: Said Bin Ali Bin Vahf Al-Qahtani, also separately added

5.07 MB

Apakah itu Pengetahuan *Mata Batin*? Pengetahuan Mata Batin yaitu satu pengetahuan spiritual yang jika diamalkan jadi seorang akan mempunyai kekuatan

10.16 MB

The Italian peninsula shows evidence of habitation by anatomically modern humans beginning about 43,000 years ago. It is reached by the Neolithic as e

16.29 MB

Get now this free qooapp game and start know everything about it Welcome to qooapp game for android ! Now you can gave a try and download this free qo

6.88 MB
Audioteka 2.4.9

Audioteka is a free app, where you can buy audiobook (audiobook in mp3 format, audio book, book to listen to) directly from the app. We offer you a po

14.13 MB

Coleção de Moedas ajuda os usuários a gerenciar suas coleções de moedas pelo celular. A versão atual, contempla as moedas de circulação comum desde 19

6.65 MB

This book shows you,scripturally, what real faith is. It breaks down the difference between hope and faith.It helps one to see that Gods Word is reali

2.8 MB

Teach your Kid English, with this Eng text book app. English class Three Textbook is probably the very first and the best app of its kind in the app s

9.93 MB

Welcome to the SafeCare library. We hope you find this a useful resource as you continue to focus on and improve the quality of care within your facil

5.69 MB

with this new application in our new storeplace you can find this best gadget that help you to Create your Bitmoji's also,act normally wherever you go

4.73 MB

كتاب: داو "رَفعتْ نظرَاتِها إليه بفخر يتناوب على ابتسامتها مع الخجل كلما حدثها هكذا، وكأنها كل ما يملك، لايحيد عنها بنظراته، وكأنما هي من علَّمته النظ

21.46 MB

Полный православный молитвослов с возможностью прослушивания аудио. Полностью бесплатно. Мы собрали основные молитвы, каноны, акафисты, тексты богослу

32.88 MB

رواية أحببت يهودية للكاتب وليد أسامة خليل من قسم : روايات عربية عدد الصفحات : 157 سنة النشر : 2014 الى الان لازلت اتساءل كيف انتهيت من كتابة هذه الروا

9.06 MB

Sherlock Holmes (/ˈʃɜːrlɒk ˈhoʊmz/) is a fictional private detective created by British author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Known as a "consulting detectiv

10.6 MB

This App Guide for kwai Short video maker & community Tips will assist you to understand the best way to use the Kwai App and know it's different opti

5.94 MB

Kita diwarisi Syair-syair yang penuh makna dan lirik lantunya sangat cocok dengan kultur jawa. Para wali, ulama dan kyai jawa telah menciptakan dan me

10.95 MB