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Get lost in a story with Audiobooks by Deezer. Discover a dedicated, offline-accessible space for all your audiobooks and with the exclusive mobile ap

7.62 MB

Hello, novel & story lovers. We are MilWor, an up rising novel reading app & story reader MilWor is compound word from first three letters of Million

24.13 MB

Noor Ul Islam نور الاسلام ئەپڵیکەیشنی نور پاداشتی بێ سنوور

52.82 MB

AKTU ALL Contains Previous Year Paper Branch and subject wise. AKTU ALL Contains Quantum Papers Branch and subject wise. AKTU ALL provides various fac

11.93 MB
Pulpit Bible

Read, study and listen to the Bible with commentaries. Download this app and access the best version of the Bible available: the King James Version, a

24.87 MB

◉◉◉◉◉◉◉◉ ◉◉◉◉◉◉◉◉ اهم مميزات البرنامج : الخطوط : ◉ امكانيه تغيير حجم الخط . ◉ امكانيه تغيير لون الخط . ◉ امكانيه تغيير شكل الخط ضمن 8 خطوط عربية . ◉ ا

6.37 MB

Welcome to Avinu App. It is a mobile application to bible read and study theological subjects. Some features: - Bible: You can read different bible ve

26.3 MB

نقدم لكم التطبيق معايدة عيد الفطر , ننتظير عيد بكل لهفة وحب, لما في من الاجواء الفرح والسرور في قلب كل انسان لذالك قدمنا لكم التطبيق معايدة عيد الفطر

28.06 MB

Discover the application of spiritual science and the intentions of the ring of Sulaymani and Mirabat bin Sina and live your adventures. Application f

10.36 MB

Dua is said to be the weapon of the believer. Seeking Allah's special mercy through duas, to protect and uplift ourselves and be guided especially in

22.38 MB

Our completely rewritten official SermonAudio 2.0 app allows you to natively browse and search through the world’s largest and most trusted library of

44.81 MB

L'app ti da la possibilità di avere accesso a tantissimi testi cristiani. Possibilità di richieste canti e segnalazioni problemi vari. Aggiungi ai pre

16.48 MB

Vademecum fitosanitarios, nutricionales y orgánicos, es una aplicación online, con actualizaciones periódicas y puesta al día, que reúne toda la infor

1.16 MB

すとぷり–すとぷり アプリはインターネットなしで曲を聴く Strawberry-Strawberry The app listens to songs without internet

92.27 MB

Ready for your learner driver's licence knowledge test? Study for the knowledge test in 2022 with the official study guide material and actual test qu

29.49 MB

Transcribe and reverse transcribe DNA↔RNA, calculate reverse complement of DNA, and translate DNA/RNA to amino acids/protein. All in one screen. Six-f

2.34 MB
food processing app offline

Do you enjoy cooking and trying new recipes? Do you find yourself in a bind when your favorite recipe doesn't tell you how to process the food for pre

17.07 MB

Приложение Бокс : Техника и Тактика полезно для начинающего или профессионального боксера. Вы научитесь наносить правильно удары, ставить защиту, такт

18.13 MB

পরকীয়ার সম্পর্ক একটি বিষাক্ত সম্পর্ক। একটি সুন্দর হাসিখুশি সুখের সংসার নিমিষেই গুঁড়িয়ে দেবার ক্ষমতা রাখে এই পরকীয়ার সম্পর্ক। কেউ নিজের ইচ্ছায় এই

2.45 MB

Saans Sakin Thi is becoming one the most famous novel now a days . Many people are reading it but carrying a novel everywhere is difficult sometimes s

26.14 MB