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Budget Taxis

Welcome to the Budget Taxis booking App! Through this app you can: • Order a taxi • Cancel a booking • Track the vehicle on the map as it makes its wa

34.25 MB

6.75 MB
Frndly TV

Watch LIVE family friendly TV for $5.99/mo. Try it FREE for 7 days. No commitment. Cancel anytime. Get 15 top rated channels including Hallmark Channe

13.9 MB

16.41 MB
Tavour 6.50.0

Tavour brings you the best in craft beer, delivered. By downloading Tavour, you get access to the highest rated beer from all-independent brewers from

62.99 MB

v 1.0.4 - Memungkinkan user untuk melihat foto profil - Mengoptimalkan coverage radius tempat kerja. - Melakukan perbaikan bug detail jurnal siswa - M

3.85 MB

Fectar is the first Metaverse Collaboration App for both VR and AR; any time, any place, any device. Reduce cost, increase sales and establish higher

37.15 MB

Canary is home security made simple. The Canary app works with our security devices to connect your home to your phone, allowing you to view and prote

74.02 MB
ローソン 10.16.6

お試し引換券がアプリで発券、そのままレジで利用できるようになりました! 「お試し引換券」、「特別クーポン」などが利用できるほか、ローソンの最新情報も確認できます。 <ローソンアプリで利用できるサービス> ・アプリで発券・利用できる「お試し引換券」 ・アプリ限定おトクな「特別クーポン」、「特別ポイント

32.58 MB

8 MB

- aktualizacja aplikacji do nowej wersji systemowej - dostosowanie aplikacji do wymogów prawnych dotyczących bezpieczeństwa - optymalizacja działania

17.57 MB


45.85 MB

Guida for toca boca game helps you to learn how to play the game

12.66 MB
Pinguim 3.3

Bug fixes

45.03 MB

-Fixed for improved performance.

5.05 MB

Verified Haul is a water metering platform for the oil field industry.

33.72 MB

Met de Konnect OuderApp krijgt u meer inzicht in wat uw kind beleeft tijdens een dag opvang. De OuderApp draagt bij aan betere oudercommunicatie tusse

8.13 MB

Effective job search with the official application of the portal Work ru ( Thanks to the application, you can quickly find work in Moscow,

9.89 MB

GigAnt- это подработка по вашему расписанию! Работа доступная для всех: для студентов без опыта, чтобы совмещать с учёбой, для мам с детьми и для пенс

13.18 MB

1 Add a dinosaur roar button. 2 Modify the camera following problem. 3 Remove the AI approaching the active attack part.

76.03 MB