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- New tab - 12 math tables on 1 screen

19.13 MB
Clube Mix SP 3.4.3

Poupômetro (Veja quanto você já economizou no mercado) Lista de compras otimizada. Exibição de porcentagem de desconto na oferta. Melhoria no desempen

31.39 MB

minor bugs fixed

10.05 MB
Wodify 139.3.2

In this update, we've added: · UI improvements · Bug fixes

14.89 MB

151.61 MB

- user experience improved

58.1 MB

- Optimization - Upgrades - Ad Integration

28.59 MB
Settly 1.2.2

- New feature: Emoji reactions for chat messages.

13.43 MB

L’application Android fait peau neuve et vous offre de nouvelles fonctionnalités : Une application universelle : une seule et même application que vou

13.27 MB
SMARTY 1.6.0

- When buying a new plan, it’s now possible to see a summary and detailed information about your plan in one place. - Bug fixes

69.68 MB

- Facebook SDK 최신버전 적용

3.96 MB

¿Estás pensando cómo enamorar o conquistar a una mujer o a un hombre? Frases para Conquistar es la aplicación ideal, ya que podrás encontrar la colecc

4.89 MB

59.8 MB

14.81 MB
Powerpal 1.21.0

Take control of the power in your home with improved bluetooth reliability

10.05 MB

New environments

5.7 MB

32.85 MB
track724 1.12

3.41 MB
Filmio 1.3.5

Lejátszás folytatásának a javítása

12.46 MB

Performance Improvement, Bugs Fixed.

17.96 MB